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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Jul 2016

    Default Paladin/warlock for next life? Is this viable?


    Long story short, my friends and I are wrapping up our foray into epics soon, as such it's time to plan for the next heroic life.

    I did a couple of heroic lives already, and I sort of outlined a 'priority list' based on the passive bonuses. Next up is Paladin.

    I don't particularly enjoy melees, or non casters in general (yes a paladin has spells but not the kind I enjoy, really), but I am enjoying playing a warlock and thus started brainstorming on a warlock/paladin split to get me through heroics [in theory the plan is to do epics again as well, but with dailies and such it's much easier, even if I end up with a suboptimal build].

    The idea was an even split, 10/10, going enlightened spirit. From what I understand I can use the aura while also hitting with weapons, which is good because apparently with only 10 levels the aura ticks every 4 seconds. So I thought, why not daggers? I sort of like them, plus there's the vistani tree which looks interesting. I'd need high DEX ( or int if I go harper tree) for to hit and damage, but then ES doesn't seem to need much CHA anyway, so I could sort of dump it, or at least give it less priority and focus on CON and DEX/INT.

    So, that said:

    -is the idea totally terrible or can we build something on this?
    -if it's viable, should I go double dagger or dagger/shield?
    -dex or int?
    -what kind of feats should I plan on taking?

    I'm not looking to be op, anything that's at least sort of decent could work, I suppose. Also, the 10/10 split is mostly because if I find myself hating playing melee I can sort of respec to cone warlock and pretend the other 10 levels are not there. My damage would suck compared to full warlock but at least I won't hate playing it.

    Thanks in advance for your help!

  2. #2
    Community Member mr420247's Avatar
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    Sep 2009


    The 10 10 split works ok for anything but druid gets you tentacles

    Not optimal but gets the job done also could go with 9 1 10 split

    Extra feat caster or melee

    or a 9 2 9 split if you wanted rogue or monk traps-evasion
    Damonz Cannith

  3. #3
    Community Member Son_of_the_South's Avatar
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    I've found the 17/3 (Lock/Paly) very good and very survivable. Needs some gear (tower shield from Tor helps a lot with shield feats for e.g.). I ran this and it was great fun. Not very scalable into epics dps-wise but fantastic saves/prr/mrr and hit points.

  4. #4
    Community Member Zoink's Avatar
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    Depends on what you want for playstyle. You say you don't want melee...

    With a 10/10 split you aren't going to have the casting power of a warlock or the melee power of a pally.. you will be relying on the group to get to lv 20.

    What about ranged? Pally's can make excelent crossbow players. 16 Pal, 4 rog gets you holy sword and zeal.
    Last edited by Zoink; 03-21-2018 at 06:14 AM.

  5. #5
    Community Member
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    I'm putting my own personal experience in here. Pure is best but that is personal choice. I have played a 16/4 Warlock/ Pal split and found it incredibly solo able. I soloed everything on LE from the new content and got to 30 easily. What I found was that it takes much longer to take LE bosses down but you are also virtually unkillable ( you do still die if not careful and get careless but that goes with any class). You will find yourself short on spell points if you start playing like a caster ( playing R1 helps and solves this a little). My build was basically human Voodoo Warlock with Pal splash for greater survivability though i did play a voodoo warlock too and that was not bad either. I'm playing with another variation of the voodoo warlock now but the difference being that I'm going more caster route (charisma and not constitution). I'm using it to start farming gear and I can still solo new content LE. Try the voodoo warlock build or a variation of it. You will level quite fast and it will give you a better understanding of what it can do.

  6. #6
    Community Member
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    Default 14/4/2 paladin/warlock/artificer


    I tried this build a couple of lives ago. The idea is to use a repeater with holy sword. Kotc for extra light damage and ES for more light damage. This build is not optimal but if you like repeaters it's ok.

    Let me know if you need further details.

  7. #7
    Build Constructionist unbongwah's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adurna View Post
    Also, the 10/10 split is mostly because if I find myself hating playing melee I can sort of respec to cone warlock and pretend the other 10 levels are not there. My damage would suck compared to full warlock but at least I won't hate playing it.
    This is...not a great approach to building, IMO. Either commit to being a warlock 10 / 10 caster split or don't. TWF Vistani paladin is also a straight-forward build. But trying to split the difference is just a recipe for being unhappy with both, IME.
    Semi-retired Build Engineer. Everything was better back in our day. Get off my lawn.

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