Currently we have a group filled up, but we are looking for a leader on another group who can get things done. We have group 1 filled up, and group 2 is kind of getting there, slowly. We have 2 for sure, the 3 one is kind of leaning on the edge. We are on Orien, and we are trying to set a second group up to run raids and what not without having to fill up on an LFM.
Things you need to have.
- Ears
- Common Sense
- No Zerg
- Don't run into a trap if you cannot take it, this falls under Common Sense
- Know the group and the running speed.
- Don't be a weirdo.
Eastern 1pm - 4 or 5pm Eastern.
2 Tank
2 Spellcasters
1 Healer
1 Trapper
We have a Paladin and a Ranger for Group 2.
Please private message me or reply to the thread if this can work, and you'd wish to join.