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  1. #1
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    Default Token of the Twelve drop locations

    Having recently started my first character into the heroic and racial reincarnations I have taken an interest in Tokens of the Twelve. I understand the fact they drop in Ebberon only. This does draw some questions. The guild mate I am reincarnating with and I are farming the typical missions on epic elite for fast tokens each life. These are in the House Deneith chain as well as Lords of Dust.

    The question I have is why do tokens not drop in some of the other epic missions in Ebberon? The three barrel cove missions are part of the same saga as the House Deneith missions but the three barrel cove missions do not drop tokens.

    Is there a reason the Tokens of the Twelve are kept to a list of old epic missions and not fanned out to the newer missions?

  2. #2
    Community Member Garix's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Harkmar View Post
    Having recently started my first character into the heroic and racial reincarnations I have taken an interest in Tokens of the Twelve. I understand the fact they drop in Ebberon only. This does draw some questions. The guild mate I am reincarnating with and I are farming the typical missions on epic elite for fast tokens each life. These are in the House Deneith chain as well as Lords of Dust.

    The question I have is why do tokens not drop in some of the other epic missions in Ebberon? The three barrel cove missions are part of the same saga as the House Deneith missions but the three barrel cove missions do not drop tokens.

    Is there a reason the Tokens of the Twelve are kept to a list of old epic missions and not fanned out to the newer missions?
    All Ebberron quests that supported the old seal/shard/scroll Epic crafting drop either Tokens or Fragments (100 fragments make a token).

    The 3BC quests were made Epic after they scrapped the seal/shard/scroll system so no fragments or tokens drop.

    Unless things have been fixed/changed your best bet for Tokens is Devil Assault on Epic Normal.
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  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Garix View Post
    All Ebberron quests that supported the old seal/shard/scroll Epic crafting drop either Tokens or Fragments (100 fragments make a token).

    The 3BC quests were made Epic after they scrapped the seal/shard/scroll system so no fragments or tokens drop.
    Well, this is a good explanation, but since Tokens are primarily used for TR hearts it makes no sense not to drop them in newer quests too.

    It would be nice to get tokens from 3BC quests and all other epic Ebberron packs, at least prior to update 25 (ToEE) since they all have outdated loot now.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arch-Necromancer View Post
    Well, this is a good explanation, but since Tokens are primarily used for TR hearts it makes no sense not to drop them in newer quests too.

    It would be nice to get tokens from 3BC quests and all other epic Ebberron packs, at least prior to update 25 (ToEE) since they all have outdated loot now.
    Basically this.

    I know where they drop and I know how to farm them. I am just wondering why the decision has not been made to move beyond the current specific list of missions.

  5. #5
    Community Member Annex's Avatar
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    It would be nice if the newer Eberron quests were updated to drop Token Fragments.

    I recommend attempting to summon young Miss Lynnabel. She seems like the friendly sort of Genie who may grant your wish.

  6. #6
    Hopeless Romantic dunklezhan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arch-Necromancer View Post
    Well, this is a good explanation, but since Tokens are primarily used for TR hearts it makes no sense not to drop them in newer quests too.

    It would be nice to get tokens from 3BC quests and all other epic Ebberron packs, at least prior to update 25 (ToEE) since they all have outdated loot now.
    I agree that from a player's perspective it is kinda stupid that they aren't there.

    I don't bother trying to keep track of all the inconsistencies in DDO now. For tokens of the twelve I just go here first:

    There's a list at the bottom which tells you which quests drop tokens
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  7. #7
    Community Member C-Dog's Avatar
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    Is there a reason the Tokens of the Twelve are kept to a list of old epic missions and not fanned out to the newer missions?
    Probably - thanks for asking.

    Really, there probably is a reason, but it's also probably unsatisfying. Some things just are what they are.

    Quote Originally Posted by Harkmar View Post
    HThe guild mate I am reincarnating with and I are farming the typical missions on epic elite for fast tokens each life. These are in the House Deneith chain as well as Lords of Dust.
    And others.

    Keep an eye out in the LFM list - daily Token runs are quite common. And be sure to post an LFM when you're doing your runs, lots of folk out there can't do it themselves, usually faster in a group.


  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by C-Dog View Post
    Probably - thanks for asking.

    Really, there probably is a reason, but it's also probably unsatisfying. Some things just are what they are.
    The hope of this post is to get the conversation started. If it is not talked about then nothing will change. If it is talked about then maybe something will change, maybe it will not. I just think things could be better and with the current patches giving QOL changes *points at lit flagging* now might be the time to discuss this being changed.

  9. #9


    The reason is that the devs wanted to eliminate them in favor of trading commendations for a streamlined trade/end quest system a long while back. Players protested and they were kept, as well as the token trader, thankfully. So it is a deprecated system.

    The fastest ways are:
    Have a full group pass them to you in EN devil assault
    Solo (or duo) 5 levels below Lava Caves in 5 minutes, trade ings for a token. (edit: It is called Time Is Money specifically)
    Last edited by Saekee; 01-15-2018 at 02:32 PM.
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  10. #10
    Community Member Hilltrot's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Saekee View Post
    Have a full group pass them to you in EN devil assault
    How many people actuallly sit through 30 minutes of devil assault just to hand someone else their tokens?

    This is one of those traditions a few ddo players have started which make no sense to me. Like demanding to roll on other people’s loot.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hilltrot View Post
    How many people actuallly sit through 30 minutes of devil assault just to hand someone else their tokens?

    This is one of those traditions a few ddo players have started which make no sense to me. Like demanding to roll on other people’s loot.
    If you trade them their tokens for other loot you find they may be up for it. And others, for whatever reason, may just be nice people, .

    Also, unless it is changed, you can farm Time Is Money for ingredients to trade for TotT. (I didn't post this, but I'm sorry for the music ...)

  12. #12


    Quote Originally Posted by Hilltrot View Post
    How many people actuallly sit through 30 minutes of devil assault just to hand someone else their tokens?

    This is one of those traditions a few ddo players have started which make no sense to me. Like demanding to roll on other people’s loot.
    most saavy players join at the last wave
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  13. #13
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    My opinion is they want to keep the token farming as boring as possible. They want us to be tired of it and buy from the store instead. Giving us the farming option lets them say we can play for free.

  14. #14
    Community Member changelingamuck's Avatar
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    It's also worth mentioning that Tokens of the Twelve are necessary for trading for the purified eberron dragonshards that are used to craft all of the 'extra' effects in Cannith crafting.

    That's a game-wide, all-levels, fundamental crafting system in DDO and we're funneled into repetitively running a small subset of outdated content in order to utilize it.

    Tokens of the Twelve should drop in all epic Eberron content just in order to be internally consistent. But really, Commendations of Valor should be tradeable for purified eberron dragonshards in order to avoid a particularly irksome funneling of player activity toward un-fun endeavors.

    If developers see that a fixture of the LFM scene is repeatedly running one, old quest (Devil Assault) in order to use the most fundamental crafting system in the game with any regularity, they should realize that have a significant structural problem that does not increase player enjoyment of the game. Which is bad. And then change how that works.

    I would like to think that this is on their radar; but I'm not going to hold my breath awaiting an announcement that this will be addressed.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Garix View Post
    Unless things have been fixed/changed your best bet for Tokens is Devil Assault on Epic Normal.
    The wiki says:
    "Dungeon Tokens per difficulty: EC: 15-25 fragments. EN: 0-2 Tokens. EH: 2 Tokens. EE: 2.5 Dungeon Tokens"

    But it also says:
    "Harder difficulties in this quest do not have a higher Token of the Twelve drop count."

    Anyone know which is correct? They can't both be right. I got around 1.5 tokens on EH a few days ago.
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  16. #16
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    I think the thing with DA is that you can get tokens or GS materials, so the final chance of getting multiple tokens is higher than normal. Additionally, you can get whole tokens even on normal, which to my knowledge doesn't happen in any other epic quest.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Snarglefrump View Post
    Anyone know which is correct? They can't both be right. I got around 1.5 tokens on EH a few days ago.
    I ran DA the other day on EN and got 2, one from one of the normal chests, and one from the epic chest.

  18. #18
    Community Member Selvera's Avatar
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    Pretty sure the fastest way to get tokens (solo) is Time is Money.

    I'll join to pass tokens in DA if I'm free when they're on their last wave, or if I feel like piking for a while and getting xp for it.

    Most efficient way to farm tokens at the same time as xp is during epic dailies.

    You can get whole tokens in a couple other quests run on normal; notably including Wizking.

    It would be nice if the newer Eberron quests also dropped tokens.
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  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by changelingamuck View Post
    That's a game-wide, all-levels, fundamental crafting system in DDO and we're funneled into repetitively running a small subset of outdated content in order to utilize it.

    Tokens of the Twelve should drop in all epic Eberron content just in order to be internally consistent.

    If developers see that a fixture of the LFM scene is repeatedly running one, old quest (Devil Assault) in order to use the most fundamental crafting system in the game with any regularity, they should realize that have a significant structural problem that does not increase player enjoyment of the game. Which is bad. And then change how that works.

    I would like to think that this is on their radar; but I'm not going to hold my breath awaiting an announcement that this will be addressed.
    Given that you pretty much have to farm these things to reincarnate, one of the central long-term gameplay loops, I find this situation pretty amazingly bad. I've just started checking out solo farm options, and I can already see that this list of quests is going to get old very fast. It's not hard to get them, just really repetitive.

  20. #20
    Cosmetic Guru Aelonwy's Avatar
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    Count me as one more that would much prefer for them to add the remaining epic Eberron quests to the Tokens of the Twelve drop locations especially those that grant The Twelve favor for consistency's sake.

    But we've been repeatedly told NO, in no uncertain terms, that the Token system is deprecated, and they have no further wish to support it. Nevermind that quite a bit of the longevity of their game depends on Tokens for hearts, and at least some of the augments still available for Tokens are moderately useful.
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