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  1. #11
    Community Member
    Join Date
    May 2016


    Quote Originally Posted by zehnvhex View Post
    Wave shouldn't be clipping at all. It's great damage and single-handedly makes T5 SE the best warlock T5. The rest is just gravy.

    Consume once fully stacked does about the same DPS as just blasting. It's uh...132 average every 2 seconds while blasting is what, 88ish I think every 1.3 seconds or so? In terms of click economy consume + arcane pulse is just insane for a warlock. Blasting is probably the lowest dps option you have. Stricken is technically worse dps, but it allows you to apply vulnerability and -prr/mrr which more and more mobs have these days.

    Acid is nice but it's like, 1/8th of your damage. Worth getting, but not worth prioritizing.
    Noted. So I should focus on force/untyped? I am doing both but obviously there is no enhanced force damage options (that I know of)

    As for the clip[ping, maybe I am doing something wrong. I am blasting by holding down the left mouse button, just as if I was melee attacking. When I cast Consume/stricken/a spell it seems to either want to finish the blast sequence or if I time it just right at the end of the 3 blast sequence it seems to cast immediately. But then there is a delay before the blasting starts up again. Like 1-2 second delay. Which seems to defeat the purpose of Wave altogether.

    If it just that I need to learn to time the casting better?
    Last edited by Sproutecus; 04-05-2018 at 10:29 AM.

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