hey zhen - for an experienced noob like me - is the mental toughness worth it?
its more crits, more sp, but locks dont usually have an sp prob.....
so its a dps increase, but worth a feat slot?
hey zhen - for an experienced noob like me - is the mental toughness worth it?
its more crits, more sp, but locks dont usually have an sp prob.....
so its a dps increase, but worth a feat slot?
I sometimes have trouble deciding myself. I go with maximize, empower, and completionist for sure. I also tend to take Force of Personality (though having worse will saves wouldn't be so terrible). Then that leaves Wizard past life (i.e. spell focus everything), Bard past life (if I want a better version of spell focus enchantment), and quicken (which I almost never take on any character but I suppose it probably does slightly increase DPS by letting you cast Consume and Stricken faster).
I find myself not actually casting enchantments very often so I have not been taking Bard past life lately. In fact, other than Evard's Black Tentacles I almost never cast anything on my opponents so even the Wizard past life is questionable. I don't really need extra spell points either so mental toughness really comes down to the question of just how important is 1% crit chance? I find it a very difficult question to answer.
How do you feel about enlarge? I've literally never taken it on any character ever. Do you find it to be particularly useful? I'm open to the idea but I'm not sure how beneficial it really is.
I find enlarge not so good in group play (as people often zerg anyway), but can be nice for solo. Eg, the beholder at the end of VoN 3 (which is too big for the door), you can just cheese him that way. It feels to me that the devs did not really account for enlarge in many scenarios, so I found it to be a nice addition![]()
No one in the world ever gets what they want
And that is beautiful
Everybody dies frustrated and sad
And that is beautiful
The images the OP put up aren't valid anymore. Anyone able to kind of list what should have been what while leveling? I'm post level 6 and a bit lost at this point.
Heard enlarge is useful if your healing the new raid
Damonz Cannith
Haven't seen any complete reveal of the Enchantments trees.
Can you post one?
Last edited by TomerNaydnov123; 09-13-2019 at 02:07 PM.
I came back to the game after 5 years and found a Warlock L-8 with 7 inventory slots and a LOT of tomes used. So, of course I'm going to play that character. But I had NO idea what to do.
All the other guides I read I have to guess what to put points into or what enhancements.
Your guide was: FUN to read, easy to understand, and COMPLETE.
Thank you very much. Very, Very, Very much.
Alice laughed: There's no use trying, one can't believe impossible things.
I daresay you haven't had much practice, said the Queen. Why, sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast.
Alice in Wonderland
A little necro-ing this thread... Thanks for the guide. I'm not a noob but have never gotten around to a Warlock toon so this is great. On race choice, I was thinking half elf for the paladin dilettante, but then thought dragonborn would be more fun. Just one question: why *blue* ancestry over black, esp with GOO?
Ah, any enhancement breakdown would be appreciated since those images are no longer available in the thread.
Here's that same list but with what quests the items drop from, and arranged in the order you'd naturally encounter the quests.
- Mantle of Fury (Into the Mists)
- Blurfingered Gloves (Into the Mists)
- Barovian's Sceptre (Any, and the wilderness area)
- The Mistfallen (Fresh-baked Dreams)
- Barovian Nobles' Regalia (An Invitation to Dinner)
- Kindred Pendent (Oath of Vengeance)
- Cursebane Ring (Oath of Vengeance)
- Skulled Ring (A Raven at the Door)
- Softsole Slippers (Wrath of the Earth)
- Burnscar Sash (Sunrise)
And their slots.... and sorted by which set the item is from
Weapon - Barovian's Sceptre
Cloak - Mantle of Fury (Adherent of the Mists Set)
Off-hand - The Mistfallen (Adherent of the Mists Set)
Neck - Kindred Pendent (Adherent of the Mists Set)
Ring - Cursebane Ring (Adherent of the Mists Set)
Ring - Skulled Ring (Adherent of the Mists Set)
Feet - Softsole Slippers (Adherent of the Mists Set)
Chest - Barovian Nobles' Regalia (Beacon of Magic Set)
Hands - Blurfingered Gloves (Beacon of Magic Set)
Waist - Burnscar Sash (Beacon of Magic Set)
This leaves eye and head slots free. I also note we only need 5 AotM items for the set, but this is 6. I would down-prioritize Skulled Ring, as I think it's the least helpful for this build. It provides spell points and a green augment slot (both somewhat helpful for the build), as well as necromancy DC and negative spell power (neither of which is rather helpful for the build). A crafted ring would probably be better.
Actually, I think the Mantle of Fury is a bit rubbish for this build. I'd rather the Mantle of the Worldshaper. So, keep the Skulled Ring. Oh, and get the Master's Voice trinket. Still, eye and head slots are free.
One of these days I'll make a post where I don't have to correct myself.....
Here's the full list of bonuses given the 2 Ravenloft sets, along with colors indicating which ones help this build, which ones are good in general, and which are no particular help. I've also flagged the bonuses from the Mantle of Fury (MoF) and the Skulled Ring (SR).
Perform +12
Charisma +6
Insightful Charisma +2
Constitution +6 - MoF
Enchantment Focus +3
Insightful Enchantment Focus +2
Necromancy Focus +3 - SR
Insightful Necromancy Focus +2 - SR
Insightful Curse Resistance +2
Mystic Diversion +9%
Insightful Mystic Diversion +4%
Insightful Spell Focus Mastery +1
Illusory Death 1
Efficient Metamagic - Empower II
Efficient Metamagic - Maximize I
Vitality +19
Wizardry +112 - SR
Exceptional Nullification +10 - SR
Augment Summoning
Raging Resilience - MoF
Doublestrike 6% - MoF
Dodge +6% - MoF
Spellcasting Implement +10
+5 Orb Bonus
+5 Enchantment Bonus (AC)
+5 Enchantment Bonus (attack and damage)
Spellsight +12
Insightful Spellsight +6
Potency +46
Insightful Potency +23
Enhanced Corrosion +77
Enhanced Combustion +77
Acid Lore +11%
Fire Lore +11%
Exceptional Universal Spell Lore +3%
Exceptional Universal Spell Power +8
Fortification +77%
Shield +6
6 Green Augment Slots - Mof (1), SR (1)
1 Blue Augment Slot
1 Yellow Augment Slot
1 Purple Augment Slot
1 Red Augment Slot
Feat: Quick Draw
Lesser Displacement
Quality Magical Sheltering +3
Mythic PRR/MRR +0 through +4
Mythic Melee, Ranged, and Universal Spell Power +0 through +4
Artifact Universal Spell Power +20
Artifact Spell DC +1
Artifact MRR +5
Artifact Missile Deflection +2%
MRR cap +10
Profane PRR +5
Profane Melee and Ranged Power +5
Profane Universal Spell Power +10
Profane Positive, Negative, Healing +10
If we lose the MoF, we lose these:
Constitution +6
Dodge +6%
If we lose the SR, we lose these:
Wizardry +112
Either way we lose:
1 Green Augment Slots
I tend to swap my Voice of the Master on only when I need to (DM's Vision, quest end XP), while keeping my Mantle of the Worldshaper on all the time (for the spell absorption and regen). A Cannith Crafted trinket would have CON +5 at level 8, or CON +6 and Insightful CON +2 at level 12. I suppose I could be swapping both my trinket and cloak. A Cannith Crafted cloak can have Dodge +6% at level 10. Meh. I guess it doesn't matter. Either I'm swapping the crafted cloak or I'm swapping the MoF.
So I go back and say we could lose the SR for a ring that does something more for us. Cannith Crafting could give us Wizardry +112 at level 10, and Radiance +77 and some good Insightful options.
And we're already drowning in augment slots, especially green ones.![]()
Better off upgrading to a sharn set with a few twink ravenloft items these days and epic voice is an ez farm
Damonz Cannith