Hi folks
I am plodding my way through completionist at the moment and have been reading these forums on some of the better ways of doing it.
I came across this method of basically using 10 lvls of Warlock along with whatever other class you want.
I love warlock and it became instantly attractive, but as the Eldritch Blast sticks on 3d6/5d4 dmg and the saves stay at +2 I did wonder how much you fall behind the curve damage wise.. say by lvl 15 when you essentially are still a lvl 10 Warlock with 5 levels of lets say Fighter.
Could anyone who has done this fill me in on a bit more detail?
Initial stats?
Enhancement tree for the warlock part?
Pact to choose?
Spell selection?
Skills? Although I suspect UMD Conc Heal with maybe Spot and Search if points remain
It would really he quite an equipment saver to follow this model, so I hope someone can take a bit of time to go through how they did it...
Many thanks,