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  1. #21
    Community Member Loromir's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RootinTuutin View Post
    That's awesome Loromir! If you go Swashbuckler/rogue then I will pass on bard and make a ranger, and if you make a ranger/rogue I will go Swash so just let me know. Should be a pretty well rounded group!
    I'll do a swash.
    Leader of Legion of Eberron on Cannith.

    Characters: Loromir & Baldomir....among others.

  2. #22
    Community Member zman67's Avatar
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    A little miscommunication. I had met to play a rog/art/bard as a backup to the main trapper and a back up healer but no problem I can play the main healer. At this time I am still undecided on a cleric or favored soul.

  3. #23
    Community Member RootinTuutin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by zman67 View Post
    A little miscommunication. I had met to play a rog/art/bard as a backup to the main trapper and a back up healer but no problem I can play the main healer. At this time I am still undecided on a cleric or favored soul.
    That works Zman, the most important thing is people play what they enjoy! Loromir made a swash/rogue mix and joined the guild last night. I’ll put you down for a rogue/arti/bard, and I’ll cover the primary heals.

  4. #24
    Community Member RootinTuutin's Avatar
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    Since we have a couple of trappers, I rolled a cleric (Phlesh). He's not a healbot but should be sufficient as a primary healer...and he will sling light in his spare time.

    Loromir joined the guild on his swash/rogue, and if any of you guys want to just email Venge with your character's name or find him in game, you can have an invite as well. We have placed some items that may be useful to our static group in the guild chests on ship, so you may help yourself. This would also afford you a chance to get some buffs and prepare however else you may want (collectibles bags, components, etc) so we can get rolling Wednesday evening. If you need something specific for your toon and need platinum for this just let Venge know and he can help you out in that department as well. Again, joining the guild is NOT required, but if you find it useful you are more than welcome!

    So our group will now be...

    Phlesh - cleric
    Galavon - bard/rogue
    Cataluna - warlock
    Zman - bard/arti/rogue
    Mug - wizard
    Pendlewick - class open

    I am waiting to hear for certain that Mug and Pendlewick will be joining us. A while back Soreindr said he may be able to join us, so I suppose the first two of those three who speak up first wanting the slots for sure will get them.

  5. #25
    Community Member Pendlewick's Avatar
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    Sorry! I don't check this overly often but I would enjoy playing a Barbarian if that's okay. I just have a lot of fun playing them (Especially when there's a good group around me)

    Edit: Also yeah as far as I know I'll be joining you and the guild if you'll have me.

  6. #26
    Community Member RootinTuutin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pendlewick View Post
    Sorry! I don't check this overly often but I would enjoy playing a Barbarian if that's okay. I just have a lot of fun playing them (Especially when there's a good group around me)

    Edit: Also yeah as far as I know I'll be joining you and the guild if you'll have me.
    Sounds good Pendlewick! And thanks for the response. I probably check this a lot more than normal simply because I'm organizing this static group, so no worries! I'll put you down as a barbarian, and you are welcome to join the guild! Just send mail or a tell to Venge with your character's name and he will invite you! Looking forward to grouping with you!

    Phlesh - cleric
    Galavon - bard/rogue
    Cataluna - warlock
    Zman - bard/arti/rogue
    Pendlewick - barbarian

    Just waiting to hear from Mug or Soreindr about the last spot. I sent Mug mail in game since that's how he contacted me, but I have not heard back. I suppose if we have not heard word by Wednesday morning/afternoon and there is anyone else interested than we could fill it with them. At least we have the other classes ironed out now. See you guys Wednesday the 24th at 8:30pm central in the leaky dinghy on Wayfinder!

  7. #27
    Community Member RootinTuutin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RootinTuutin View Post
    Sounds good Pendlewick! And thanks for the response. I probably check this a lot more than normal simply because I'm organizing this static group, so no worries! I'll put you down as a barbarian, and you are welcome to join the guild! Just send mail or a tell to Venge with your character's name and he will invite you! Looking forward to grouping with you!

    Phlesh - cleric
    Galavon - bard/rogue
    Cataluna - warlock
    Zman - bard/arti/rogue
    Pendlewick - barbarian

    Just waiting to hear from Mug or Soreindr about the last spot. I sent Mug mail in game since that's how he contacted me, but I have not heard back. I suppose if we have not heard word by Wednesday morning/afternoon and there is anyone else interested than we could fill it with them. At least we have the other classes ironed out now. See you guys Wednesday the 24th at 8:30pm central in the leaky dinghy on Wayfinder!
    Gentle reminder about tonight’s meeting. Looks like we will be at least five strong, and I’m hoping either Mug or Soreindr or some other unfortunate lost soul fills the last spot and we have a full group tonight. I have noticed other static groups recap each meeting to keep track of their progress, so I will try to do that as well. See you soon!

  8. #28
    Community Member Loromir's Avatar
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    See you tonight 9:30 Eastern.
    Leader of Legion of Eberron on Cannith.

    Characters: Loromir & Baldomir....among others.

  9. #29
    Community Member RootinTuutin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pendlewick View Post
    Sorry! I don't check this overly often but I would enjoy playing a Barbarian if that's okay. I just have a lot of fun playing them (Especially when there's a good group around me)

    Edit: Also yeah as far as I know I'll be joining you and the guild if you'll have me.
    Group is about to head out, look for Phlesh's lfm.

  10. #30
    Community Member RootinTuutin's Avatar
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    Default Meeting 1 Recap

    Meeting 1 - Jan 24, 2018

    Members - Phlesh, Arcaniss, Safanna, Galavon, Koryx

    Quests - Heyton's Rest, Cannith Crystal, Storehouse Secret, Collaborator, Sacrifices, Necromancer's Doom, Stopping the Sahuagin, Redemption

    Favor after meeting - 63

    One open slot for group

  11. #31
    Community Member RootinTuutin's Avatar
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    Default Catch up

    You guys may have to roll on without me Wednesday, but I can catch up. Had something unexpected come up. Sorry guys.

  12. #32
    Community Member xCataluna's Avatar
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    Only three of us made it on tonight, so we elected to wait for the full party.
    See you next week!

  13. #33
    Community Member xCataluna's Avatar
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    Only two of us made it on tonight. Oh noes! We're shrinking! =o
    Fingers crossed for next week!

  14. #34
    Community Member Loromir's Avatar
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    I'm out. I just came from a Wednesday night static group that disbanded because we continued to have people not be able to make it.

    Looks like this is the case with this one too.

    Good Luck.
    Leader of Legion of Eberron on Cannith.

    Characters: Loromir & Baldomir....among others.

  15. #35
    Community Member xCataluna's Avatar
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    I've received a PM from RootinTuutin/Phlesh that unfortunately puts them out of the game for a while.
    And Loromir/(which character?) has left us as well.

    So. Is there anyone left besides me still watching this thread, and if so, is there still interest in this static group?

  16. #36
    Community Member zman67's Avatar
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    Yes still watching this thread and Safanna (myself) is still interetested. I think Loromir was Galavon. If any one else is interetested, I am not opposed to restarting.

  17. #37
    Community Member xCataluna's Avatar
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    Welp, it looks like its just the two of us. What would we like to do with the group?

    I can put up a new recruiting thread, do we want to wait for a fuller group, or start running as a duo and (hopefully) pick up more people as we go?
    The day and time are pretty fixed, but what about the server? Would another be better, or do we want to stay on Wayfinder?
    I'm a premium player, so I can't open elites on a first-lifer, what about you?

    Other concerns/suggestions welcome.

  18. #38
    Community Member mrtoast's Avatar
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    Default interested

    hi interested in joining the group if still going to move forward.
    plz let me know if u r still meeting up. also when and where.

  19. #39
    Community Member xCataluna's Avatar
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    Hello mrtoast. =)

    We're on Wayfinder, theoretically running from 8:30pm - 10:30 pm eastern (on Wednesdays!)
    Currently level 4 on Sunny Korthos, and flagged to run Misery's Peak next.

    We've got a warlock, and a bard/arti/rogue.
    Can you start at level 4 and flag for Misery's before then?

    If not, zman and I can just start new characters.
    Last edited by xCataluna; 02-13-2018 at 12:10 PM. Reason: My day of the week was wrong, hurr durr.

  20. #40
    Community Member xCataluna's Avatar
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    Ack!! Not tonight. Uff. Today is Tuesday! DX
    We run on Wednesday, yes. Not Tuesday. *is idiot*

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