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  1. #1
    Community Member RootinTuutin's Avatar
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    Default Static group forming

    Nightmare guild is forming a beginner friendly static group on Wayfinder. We have two on board and four open spots. Any class/build is welcome and the group will work around it. Most likely, the group will meet on a weekday in the late evening (US Central time), but the day, time, start date will be ironed out soon. Additional days could be added as long as the entire group can meet, but we want it to be relaxed and fun, and not feel like people have signed up or over-committed. We know many of us work on past lives for our main character and solo a lot, but if you miss the camaraderie and fellowship that resounds early on in the game, then come join our static group.

    The rules will be simple.

    One night a week (unless otherwise specified by the group). Duration of each session would depend on what the group can dedicate.
    First lifers to stay together, if you miss a day try to catch up (undoubtedly you could get assistance catching up from alts, so some flexibility). If the group sees it through, reincarnation options would be available.
    Pick a class you enjoy or want to explore and we could fill out the group as needed to have it well rounded.
    Start at level 1 (or 4 if the group decides and all have access) in case there are any new/returning players who want to get (re)acclimated.
    Anyone joining would need access to most, if not all, content. Difficulty would be elite unless the group votes otherwise.
    Use any loot you want.
    There would be an option to join our guild, Nightmare, though it wouldn't be necessary. Nightmare has decent buffs and we could store loot for the static group in guild storage.

    More specific rules will be discussed as needed. If interested please respond to this thread.

  2. #2
    Community Member xCataluna's Avatar
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    I'd be interested, but... I've only got Wednesday night available, and I'm in Eastern.
    How "late night" would you be planning on running to?

  3. #3
    Community Member
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    I'm up for it depending on what time is picked.

  4. #4
    Community Member RootinTuutin's Avatar
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    Hey guys! Glad to see the interest. Wednesday night would work as far as I know, and I was thinking starting at 8:30 central (9:30 eastern) and running for an hour or two but all of this is negotiable. Does this sound doable to you all?

  5. #5
    Community Member xCataluna's Avatar
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    I'd have to log around 9:30 central (10:30 eastern).
    So 8:30 central (9:30 eastern) works for me if you want to run for an hour.
    If 7:30 central (8:30 eastern) works for others, I can run for two.

  6. #6
    Community Member RootinTuutin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by xCataluna View Post
    I'd have to log around 9:30 central (10:30 eastern).
    So 8:30 central (9:30 eastern) works for me if you want to run for an hour.
    If 7:30 central (8:30 eastern) works for others, I can run for two.

    I am usually putting the kids to bed around 8:00 central (9 eastern), so 8:30 central would work best. But if Soreindr wants in and we want more than an hour a night then I may be able to swing 7:30 central, I just may have to go afk some.

  7. #7
    Community Member zman67's Avatar
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    I would be interested in joining, Wednesday nights anytime works for me. Are we meeting tonight. I have a bunch of toons on Wayfinder so I could log in on an alt.

  8. #8
    Community Member RootinTuutin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by zman67 View Post
    I would be interested in joining, Wednesday nights anytime works for me. Are we meeting tonight. I have a bunch of toons on Wayfinder so I could log in on an alt.
    Awesome! I also got contacted in game by another wanting to join our static group with a wizard, we will call him Mug.

    So, so far I have...

    Mug still in Soreindr?

    Does next Wednesday the 24th sound like a good start date? Meet up at 8:30 pm central (9:30 eastern) and run for just an hour for the first meeting. Meet up, run a few quests, see how we like the date and time, and discuss any adjustments and our next meeting? If you guys don't mind, let me know if the 24th works and if you want to start at level 1 or 4.

    I will roll whatever class we need. Mug wants to be a pure wizard. What would Cataluna, Zman, and Soreindr prefer to play?

  9. #9
    Community Member Pendlewick's Avatar
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    Hello! Still have room for one more? This is a perfect time for me and I'd love to join.

  10. #10
    Community Member RootinTuutin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pendlewick View Post
    Hello! Still have room for one more? This is a perfect time for me and I'd love to join.
    Sure do have room! What class would you like to play?

  11. #11
    Community Member RootinTuutin's Avatar
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    Default Ironing out classes for the group

    So final details before our first meeting Wednesday.

    Meet approximately 8:30 central standard time in the Leaky Dinghy on Wayfinder server. The first meeting will only take about an hour, and we can increase it from there.

    Unless anyone objects, we can all start our characters at level 4, and we can return to Korthos if we want those quests for favor etc.

    My intention is to roll an artificer to cover traps for the group, unless someone really enjoys that class. Otherwise I can make a cleric for designated heals, and if someone likes that I will focus on DPS. Just let me know what class you all want to play by responding to this thread, and I will work around it and have my character ready for Wednesday. If we want more than one of the same class it shouldn't be a problem. I think it's more important people roll a toon they enjoy playing.

  12. #12
    Community Member Loromir's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RootinTuutin View Post
    So final details before our first meeting Wednesday.

    Meet approximately 8:30 central standard time in the Leaky Dinghy on Wayfinder server. The first meeting will only take about an hour, and we can increase it from there.

    Unless anyone objects, we can all start our characters at level 4, and we can return to Korthos if we want those quests for favor etc.

    My intention is to roll an artificer to cover traps for the group, unless someone really enjoys that class. Otherwise I can make a cleric for designated heals, and if someone likes that I will focus on DPS. Just let me know what class you all want to play by responding to this thread, and I will work around it and have my character ready for Wednesday. If we want more than one of the same class it shouldn't be a problem. I think it's more important people roll a toon they enjoy playing.
    If anyone drops from your group...let me know. I could take the 6th slot.
    Leader of Legion of Eberron on Cannith.

    Characters: Loromir & Baldomir....among others.

  13. #13
    Community Member RootinTuutin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Loromir View Post
    If anyone drops from your group...let me know. I could take the 6th slot.
    Awesome Loromir! I haven't heard from Soreindr since his initial post so there may be room. Would you feel like rolling a level 4 and meeting on Wednesday 8:30 central? I suspect there will be room if it's not too much of an inconvenience to meet us.

  14. #14
    Community Member xCataluna's Avatar
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    So Wed. 1/24 @ 8:30 central (9:30 eastern) in the Leaky Dingy on Wayfinder.
    Check, check, check, and check!

    I've been thinking about trying a warlock. I have Vet I, but I'll wait on leveling up until we find out if everybody else does.
    I like Korthos, so no skin off my nose if we need to start at level 1. =)

  15. #15
    Community Member Loromir's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RootinTuutin View Post
    Awesome Loromir! I haven't heard from Soreindr since his initial post so there may be room. Would you feel like rolling a level 4 and meeting on Wednesday 8:30 central? I suspect there will be room if it's not too much of an inconvenience to meet us.
    Yes...I'll roll a level four. What do we need? I'll play any role.
    Leader of Legion of Eberron on Cannith.

    Characters: Loromir & Baldomir....among others.

  16. #16
    Community Member RootinTuutin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by xCataluna View Post
    So Wed. 1/24 @ 8:30 central (9:30 eastern) in the Leaky Dingy on Wayfinder.
    Check, check, check, and check!

    I've been thinking about trying a warlock. I have Vet I, but I'll wait on leveling up until we find out if everybody else does.
    I like Korthos, so no skin off my nose if we need to start at level 1. =)
    Thanks Cataluna! Warlock it is! And I'm guessing you will love it!

    Loromir, do you prefer trapper or healer? I'll roll whichever one you don't want to.

    So we have prospectively...

    me - healer or trapper
    Cataluna - warlock
    Mug - wizard
    Loromir - healer or trapper
    Zman - class open
    Pendlewick - class open

    Haven't heard from Soreindr in a while. Not sure if he is still wanting in. Zman and Pendlewick seemed a little more committal with their response, that’s why I listed them.
    Last edited by RootinTuutin; 01-19-2018 at 12:09 PM.

  17. #17
    Community Member zman67's Avatar
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    I am open to playing any class or role. Depending on Pendlewick, I could go for melee or as a backup trapper/healer

  18. #18
    Community Member RootinTuutin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by zman67 View Post
    I am open to playing any class or role. Depending on Pendlewick, I could go for melee or as a backup trapper/healer
    Cool! Since so many people are open to running anything, I will put down a possibility and you guys/gals just let me know if you DON'T want to run what's listed and we will adjust accordingly.

    Wednesday, Jan 24th at 8:30pm central to meet up in the Leaky Dinghy on Wayfinder.

    me - bard
    Cataluna - warlock
    Mug - wizard
    Loromir - trapper
    Zman - healer
    Pendlewick - class open but maybe ranged dps?

    Like I said, just let me know if you don't really want to run what's listed and we can move it around no problem. I was just trying to get something penciled in.

    Can't wait for our first meeting! Really looking forward to it!

  19. #19
    Community Member Loromir's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RootinTuutin View Post
    Thanks Cataluna! Warlock it is! And I'm guessing you will love it!

    Loromir, do you prefer trapper or healer? I'll roll whichever one you don't want to.

    So we have prospectively...

    me - healer or trapper
    Cataluna - warlock
    Mug - wizard
    Loromir - healer or trapper
    Zman - class open
    Pendlewick - class open

    Haven't heard from Soreindr in a while. Not sure if he is still wanting in. Zman and Pendlewick seemed a little more committal with their response, that’s why I listed them.
    If I do would be A Ranger Rogue mix or a Swashbuckler Rogue mix. I am fine with that. I don't care for Arti's much.
    Leader of Legion of Eberron on Cannith.

    Characters: Loromir & Baldomir....among others.

  20. #20
    Community Member RootinTuutin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Loromir View Post
    If I do would be A Ranger Rogue mix or a Swashbuckler Rogue mix. I am fine with that. I don't care for Arti's much.
    That's awesome Loromir! If you go Swashbuckler/rogue then I will pass on bard and make a ranger, and if you make a ranger/rogue I will go Swash so just let me know. Should be a pretty well rounded group!

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