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Slarden’s advice is solid.
Personally, I’m a fan of Soul Eaters for heroic levels, and Enlightened Spirits for Epic levels. Either way, I don't build with the expectation of hitting targets with a weapon.
I tend to stick with Tainted Scholar until level 6. Feigned Health + False Life Spell is great for mitigating healing. The extra pact damage is what starts adding oomph to your eldritch blast damage. You get Web. You also get Chain Shape and Utterdark Blast. And, you can leverage your UMD skill early with wand and scroll mastery.
From there, I invest in Soul Eater for Consume and Stricken. When I feel I have enough wiggle room to spec out of chain shape and maintain all the other Tainted Scholar stuff I have, I do. While you can't shoot around corners, cone shape breaks things. I'll keep working up the Soul Eater chain until I have my tier 5 enhancements
For feats, I would do Quicken, Maximize, Empower, <all the other stuff that feeds into your specialty>
1 Charm Person (Respec around level 11 for Resist Energy)
1 False Life (Respec later for Shield.)
Level 2 spells: Suggestion / Command Undead
Level 3 spells: Displacement / Dimension Door
Level 4 spells: Evard’s Tentacle Pr0n / Flesh to Stone
Level 5 spells - Choose 2: Finger of Death / Circle of Death / Undeath to Death
Level 6 spells - Choose 2: Trap the Soul / Mass Hold Monster / Mass Charm Monster / Wail of the Banshee
As for gear:
Level 2: Runic Trinket - It's the only insightful spellpower item until you hit level 10.
Level 3: Bracers of Wind for perma blur. Rock Boots* for Acid SP/Crit. Radiance/Radiance Lore stick.
Level 5: +4 Cannith crafted stat gear.
Level 7: Elders Cap and Necklace for the Spellsight and the Insightful bonus to spell crit. Level 7 Rock Boots*.
Level 8: Mutilator of Minds, Spinneret, Generic Slavers thing I crafted.
Level 10: The Beacon of Magic set is my new favorite thing. The Burnscar sash is a sexy beast for Fiend and GOO warlocks.
Level 11: Level 11 Rock Boots*.
* I have fully upgraded Rock Boots for the heroic levels. Boots tend to be a fairly open slot for me and the Spell power/lore of Cannith Challenge gear is really good for it's level.