Dear OP,
I understand where you're comming from, i really do.
The problem started due to players and devs were thinking the content had gotten too easy.
Although dificulty had gone up slightly with nearly every update , people rarely noticed because they kept up with gear and past lives and used builds that broke the game.
People were verry reluctant to come off their exploit build.
When nerfed they often disapear from the game, leaving normal players with the damage.
On lamania, new content usually gets tested on peoples main toons, not a first life barbarian, thus ballance is off.
Even when they play, some of the devs stick to op classes like artificer, where they negate 90% of the incomming physical damage simply by being out of melee range and thus rarely notice something is wrong.
The issue of broken mechanics are rarely adressed (densely packed stacks of mobs in ToEE) and rarely fixed(heroic abadishai having epic spellpower was fixed only after years of complaints).
What bothers many is how these hand crafted quests suddenly have their entire ballance chucked out of the window with what is called blanket coding.
Due to these champions, we now have random mobs with more hp, dps and general thoughnes then actual named npcs and bosses, wich is rather jarring for those who care about lore and ballance.
Another piece of blanket coding is reaper, with even more problems. Wich i'll skip here.
Lots of devs and players will defend champs here, not realising or not caring what the concequencesol of this lazy coding scheme are.
It doesn't only affect npcs( though they just fixed the bookbinder rescue), it affects the playerbase as a whole, dividing them even more.
At best you get advice on the forum like, play an arty or warlock, get more past lives and gear, etc not understanding that elite was just fine as it was.
Not unnderstanding that not every one plays like they do, not understanding that the dificulty just fine, a good investment of time in regards to tue rewards, exp, named loot and favor.
Sadly, the devs have publicly stated that they will not remove champs from n/h/e content now that they have introduced reaper. They seem to think that content is too easy. Even if they only play it on broken classes and in 1 case, heve to use cheat codes to get through quests on normal.
I can only suggest adapting or moving on, much of the playerbase allready has.
A few weeks afte launch and ravenloft is a ghost town over here.
What ever you decide, i wish you the best.