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  1. #1
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2011

    Default On player consolidation

    In my opinion DDO has a significant issue with not funneling a high enough concentration of the small(er) playerbase into being ready to play the same content at the same time.

    - Players come from different timezones
    - Several servers
    - Having alts is rather inefficient with the many ways of earning past lives, making playing more than 1 or a few characters much less likely to happen
    - Thus players are spread out in level (and need/want to be approximately the same level to play together)
    - Many difficulties (hard, elite, reaper 1-10)

    Wrt consolidation I think the single most elegant solution would be pretty controversial but fairly effective.
    * Make past lives of all kinds as well as reaper xp account shared on all characters *

    With such a change I could have a sizeable stable of alts ready to play at just about any level at just about any time without feeling inefficient. Whenever I logged in I could check if friends were online doing something and join them nomatter the level. I could also check the LFM for raids or other interesting groups going on and join - again regardless of level. If nothing was going on I could start something at any level knowing that pretty mucn anyone online would infact be able to join in should they want to - not just the few people within level range. Concerning BtC raid loot I could and would simply use the same "main" character at level 30 running raids where I care about the loot.

    I could see myself having 10-15 characters that I would be playing actively. Maybe 2-3 placed at level 30 for high end play with the rest being spread out in levels, classes, races and iconics effectively earning towards reaper xp and/or past lives on my "main(s)" nomatter which one I did play on. Compare with today where I have 1-2 characters - one in the TR hamster wheel earning past lives and one is semi-active at level 29 (should be 30 soon).

    I would certainly play more, have more fun doing so, and would expect more chances of someone to group with (friends or pugs) from such a change. I guess monetization could be an issue as it would reduce the value to Ottos boxes and to a degreee xp pots as the need to get back to 30 fast again would be gone/lessened. I am certain that could be figured out though and that the increase of being able to find groups would go a good way towards compensating financially as well as more people would be playing more often. Also, the people who want many past lives fast would still need boxes and pots to do so.

    I sincerely believe that such a change would be very beneficial to DDO by making grouping more viable.
    Last edited by mikarddo; 01-06-2018 at 11:16 AM.
    Member of Spellswords on Ghallanda

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