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  1. #1
    Community Member Pilgrim1's Avatar
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    Aug 2010

    Default Theory: The Moonlighting TreeTank

    This is a theory build to combine the deffensive aspects of tanking with the offensive aspects of Tree forms. It is in no way compleate and there are lots of diffrent ways of doing tree-stile attacks. I would very much like to see good alternitives.

    The ideal is to be a viable tank for LE raids and reaper questing, or with a shift of a destiny, be viable as a tree during normal quests or lower difficulties. Mad props to being a tree while tanking!

    8 warlock/6 pally/6 monk
    Con build

    I like the idea of running two weapons instead of shield and board because an off hand weapon allows us to use a Legendary greensteel off hand for procks to ride along with the warlock aura. Getting 1000 hp, blind, frozen, slowed or vulnerable mobs seams like a better use than having a shield in the off hand.

    8 warlock ~22 AP:
    Warlock gets displacment spell and relitivly low expensive aura (4 second tick). Enlighted spirit also gives nice sinergy with tanking and con build even at a 4 second aura tick.

    6 pally ~38 AP:
    Pally gives amazing saves, LOH which are reaper frendly healing, heal amp, defensive stances, and with t5 knight of the chalice 3 cleave lines. Has anyone tested how Holy retribution and the other pally cleaves works in tree form?

    6 monk ~12 AP:
    Monk gives evasion, 3 feats, and MP, heal amp, shadow fade. Im honistly unsure if I should build this un-armored or armored. Also AP gets very tight.

    VKF ~ 11 AP:
    Vistani knife fighter has some low hanging double strike and deffesces which is great for a tree build. I think if we changed up feats to include cleaves and took points from pally this might be where to be.

    7 heroic, 3 monk.
    TWF x3
    IC: Blunt
    WhirlWind (5)
    Great cleave (3) Or shield line.

    4 epic:
    Overwhelming critical
    +3 heroic feats

    3 destiny:
    Dire charge/arcain warrior
    Elusive target?

    Sicon of Arboea for 20 MP

    Racial options:
    The best filigrees for a tree build will be the one that gives 75mp on an action boost. Therfore the best races will be ones that take no investment to get this (human/PDK) or if you have lots of ratial TR you could consiter half orc or bladeforge. No matter what AP and feets will be a huge constrain.

    Please comment! More ideas, corrections, alternitives!
    Last edited by Pilgrim1; 01-05-2018 at 06:02 PM.

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