Happy New Year DDO! I posted nearly 200 videos in 2017 and the channel saw some big milestones by passing a half million lifetime views and recently reaching 2000 subscribers! I wanted to take a moment to highlight some of what I feel are the best videos of the year...
Cannith Crafting: How to level quickly and efficiently
In 2016 I posted my Beginner's Guide to New Cannith Crafting. It is designed for people who know nothing about crafting but want to learn starting from the very basics. in late 2017 I did a live stream that was meant to essentially be a part 2 of the Beginner's Guide, where I show how to level quickly and easily. I also answer viewer questions and discuss several other tips beyond what is covered in the Beginner's Guide. If you are intimidated by crafting or just dragging your feet on learning, with these 2 videos you can be an expert crafter in no time!
Northwynd: Druid True First Life Series
2017 started with the epic leg of Northwynd's journey to level 30. This was my 9th series and turned out to be one of my top 2 favorite series. I had a lot of fun playing on another server, starting with nothing and playing my favorite druid build to cap and seeing how much I could accomplish while elite streaking all the way. This series also served as a guide to the build for newer players.
Gingerspyce Dragonborn Project
Dragonborn was a highlight of DDO in 2017 and I had a lot of fun doing videos of playing through my 3 Dragonborn lives. This was my first series after reaper mode was introduced and it captures Ginger's first 3 reaper lives. In the first life of the series I did my favorite druid build. For the second life of the series I resurrected my old favorite Sorchanter build and for the final life I did a Spellsinger bard where I charmed and screamed my way to 20.
Reaper Life
This was my first video series featuring a full party of 6 and my first static group ever. Reaper mode had only been out for a handful of months. The community was largely just doing R1-2's and some guildies and I wanted to do a series showing that higher skulls were not only reasonably possible to do, but could be fun and done without using cheese methods. For this series we did all R5-9 skull quests and had a blast pushing ourselves to our limits. Every episode featured us doing quests on higher skulls than we had ever attempted for that quest. This epic journey from 1 to 20 ended up being one of my favorites, along with Northwynd, and we capped off the unforgettable series by ending the final episode with a fun tribute to the 80's classic The Breakfast Club.
Reaper Survival Guides
Reaper mode was a culture shock for most of us and many struggled to adapt. In my Reaper Survival Guide part 1 and part 2 I share a bunch of tips to help those who are newer to reaper mode be successful and have fun in the new challenges that this advanced difficulty presented to us.
Life 15
Reaper mode has changed the way we play DDO. It's changed the way we build our toons and the way we run quests. Life 15 was an informal series that I did with a selection of quests that I do slightly differently in reaper mode compared to the olden days. In each episode I show and discuss how I've adjusted my approach to certain quests to make things more manageable in reaper mode. As the name of the series would suggest, it took place during Gingerspyce's 15th life of working through 33 lives to racial completionist!
Reincarnating can be an intimidating and confusing thing to a new player. I made The Basics of Reincarnating in DDO at the request of a channel viewer. In the video I show the reincarnation process and discuss the various forms of reincarnation: True, Iconic, Epic, Lesser (TR, IR, ER, LR). I also talk about the past lives they bestow. After Racial Reincarnation was introduced, I made another video discussing this new form of reincarnating in How to Racial Reincarnate.
Teaching Raid Live Streams
Since 2014, the High Lords of Malkier have been hosting teaching raids for new players on Sarlona. In 2017 we live streamed the events for the first time and it was really awesome to have channel viewers watch, learn and ask questions along with us. These and all my raid videos can be found in the Raids playlist of my channel and I am looking forward to live streaming our 2018 teaching raid series starting this Saturday, January 6! If you're on Sarlona and you're new to raiding and interested in learning, please join us. You can find the announcement and details for the events in the Sarlona forum here.
Gingerspyce Aasimar Project
2017 ended with my 12th series! The Aasimar Project is a currently active series which is about the fun of playing through my 3 Aasimar lives. This series captures lives 19-21 on my way through 33 lives to racial completionist. in the first life of the series I did my favorite druid build. The second life of the series is in progress and I am doing a cleric life with the water domain. In the third life of the series I will do another cleric life using the animal domain!
And finally I am just about to wrap up my Mists of Ravenloft: First Look videos which are about the fun of capturing our very first experiences and reactions in each quest of the new Ravenloft expansion!
I had a lot of fun sharing videos with you in 2017. The live streams took it to a whole new level of viewer interaction and I have enjoyed getting to know many of you and chatting live during the streams. I want to thank channel viewer BandVP for his very thoughtful tribute to the channel, which commemorates reaching 2000 subscribers with a touching video that reflects on my 3 years of Youtubing DDO. 2017 also saw the first time a channel viewer made a toon on Sarlona to run with me and get to know my guild and later went on to transfer from his home server to join the High Lords of Malkier, which was really awesome. I welcome everyone to run with us and get to know us. If you're on Sarlona, consider joining our public raid events, which are posted in the Sarlona forum. And if you're ever my level range and want to run, you are welcome to send me a tell!
Thank you for all the fun, the great comments and words of support in 2017. I look forward to sharing many more videos with you in 2018
Much love,
Gingerspyce of Sarlona
Older updates:
11/14/17 Introducing the Gingerspyce Aasimar Project
10/27/17 Gingerspyce's week in videos: Resurrection Chamber in under 3 minutes?
10/19/17 Aasimar dancing (video)
9/1/17 Gingerspyce's week in videos: A new series and Cannith Crafting live stream!