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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default Mr. Man Strength 9/6/5 Clr/Ftr/Bar Sylvanus Melee

    This is my take on a beefcake self healing Sylvanus character. The "great strength" feats are placeholders, I couldn't make my mind up here. Without play testing I'm honestly not sure if I will want/need empower healing, epic damage reduction, toughness/epic toughness, or maybe even the armor line from fighter for more prr/mrr. Suggestions welcome.

    Man Strength Cleric
    9/6/5 Cleric/Fighter/Barbarian
    Chaotic Good Purple Dragon Knight
    Level Order
    1. Fighter         6. Cleric         11. Barbarian      16. Cleric
    2. Cleric          7. Barbarian      12. Cleric         17. Cleric
    3. Fighter         8. Barbarian      13. Cleric         18. Fighter
    4. Cleric          9. Barbarian      14. Cleric         19. Fighter
    5. Cleric         10. Barbarian      15. Fighter        20. Fighter
                   36pt     Tome     Level Up
                   ----     ----     --------
    Strength        18       +6       4: STR
    Dexterity        8       +6       8: STR
    Constitution    16       +6      12: STR
    Intelligence     8       +6      16: STR
    Wisdom           8       +6      20: STR
    Charisma        16       +6      24: STR
                                     28: STR
              F  C  F  C  C  C  B  B  B  B  B  C  C  C  F  C  C  F  F  F
              1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
    Heal         2     2  2  2                 3  3  3     2  1       23
    Intim     4     2           4  1  1  1  1           4        3  1  1  23
    Concent   1                 ½  2  2  2  2              2  3  ½        15
    Tumble    1                                                            1
              8  2  2  2  2  2  5  5  5  5  5  3  3  3  4  4  4  4  4  4
     1        : Power Attack
     1 PDK    : Cleave
     1 Fighter: Stunning Blow
     3        : Two Handed Fighting
     3 Fighter: Weapon Focus: Bludgeoning
     6        : Great Cleave
     9        : Improved Critical: Bludgeoning
    12        : Improved Two Handed Fighting
    15        : Greater Two Handed Fighting
    18        : Force of Personality
    18 Fighter: Weapon Specialization: Bludgeoning
    20 Fighter: Tactical Training
    21 Epic   : Overwhelming Critical
    24 Epic   : Great Ability: Strength
    26 Destiny: Perfect Two Handed Fighting
    27 Epic   : Great Ability: Strength
    28 Destiny: Tactician
    29 Destiny: Dire Charge
    30 Epic   : Great Ability: Strength
    30 Legend : Scion of: Arborea
     4 Cleric : Strength Domain
     2 Deity  : Follower of: Silvanus
    13 Deity  : Blessing of Silvanus
    1. Cure Light Wounds, Protection from Evil, Shield of Faith, Nightshield, Divine Favor, Bless
    2. Cure Moderate Wounds, Resist Energy, Lesser Restoration, Remove Paralysis, Spawn Screen, <Any>
    3. Cure Serious Wounds, Magic Circle Against Evil, Dispel Magic, Water Breathing, Remove Curse
    4. Cure Critical Wounds, Divine Power, Freedom of Movement, Restoration
    5. Mass Cure Light Wounds, <Any>, <Any>
    Enhancements (80 AP) Ravager (36 AP)
    • Furious Rage, Pain Touch
      1. Ritual Scarring III, Do You Like Pain? III, Barbarian Power Attack III, Hardy Rage II
      2. Fear Me!, I Like Pain III
      3. Slaughter III, Strength
      4. Laughter, I Hit Back! III, Strength
      5. Blood Strength, Critical Rage II
    Warpriest (22 AP)
    • Smite Foe, Resilience of Battle
      1. Divine Might III, Righteous Weapons, Sacred Touch II
      2. Smite Weakness, Wall of Steel III, Righteous Weapons
      3. Righteous Weapons, Strength
      4. Ameliorating Strike
    Kensei (11 AP)
    • Kensei Focus: Picks and Hammers, Spiritual Bond, Strike with No Thought
      1. Weapon Group Specialization, Haste Boost III
      2. Weapon Group Specialization, Ascetic Training: Conditioning I
    Frenzied Berserker (11 AP)
    • Die Hard, Frenzied Toughness
      1. Extra Rage II, Power Rage III
      2. (none)
      3. Supreme Cleave I

    What we get from:
    9 cleric: +2 insight crit threat, +2 str, str healing, str to reflex, immunity to knockdowns, +4 str during turn clickies, divine might, ameliorating strike, some prr/weaken, cure spells, raise dead.
    6 fighter: +1 crit multiplier, feats, haste boost
    5 barbarian: +2 crit threat, blood strength, +more str from rage & stat nodes, slaughter, supreme cleave, prr/hamp, zoomzoom

    Things we could have but don't:

    - Divinity based healing/positive energy burst. I would rather spend the turn attempts on the str bonus.
    - Tactics / T4 kensei goodies. I've got a version of the enhancements that put all of the points in Ravager/Kensei/Frenzied that I may run with if the 22 points for ameliorating strike prove to be underwhelming. The melee power and hamp you can get from t4 kensei with the tactics boost to dire charge & stunning blow could make this the preferred build at 30.

    I'm planning on running this as my next life as soon as I hit 30 on my current pure paladin build. Let me know what your thoughts/questions are!
    Last edited by trancefate; 01-13-2018 at 03:41 PM.

  2. #2
    Community Member
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    Reincarnating this evening, just a quick bump to see if I get any feedback beforehand.

  3. #3
    Community Member Sgt_Hart's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by trancefate View Post

    Things we could have but don't:

    - Divinity based healing/positive energy burst. I would rather spend the turn attempts on the str bonus.
    Did you write it that way because you don’t want to burn turns to heal, or because you (incorrectly) think it doesn’t domain buff on bursts?
    Hart o Gold Hart o Song
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  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sgt_Hart View Post
    Did you write it that way because you don’t want to burn turns to heal, or because you (incorrectly) think it doesn’t domain buff on bursts?
    The second one, thank you! This makes a huge difference. I now feel like I need to find a way to fit in 11 points for bursts. Going to test if they work while raging as I'm not sure. I've TR'd now and am setting up bars.

    I need to find out now if I'm going to be cancelling rage and just using it for the Critical Rage component, or staying in rage (I suspect the first). If I plan to stay in rage I may want to pick up Liquid Courage, 50HAMP seems like it would stack very nicely with ameliorating/blood strength to keep me healed up.

  5. #5
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    I tested and you cannot burst during rage, you can however still turn undead, and use divine healing interestingly enough. I'm lvl 15 now I'll report back with an update on enhancements when I hit cap and have some more play time in the build. For now i'm 36 ravager for blood str/crit rage, 13 frenzy for 2 ranks of supreme cleave (timer syncs nicely), kensei haste boost, and divine might.

    From here I need to choose whether I want opportunity attack + liquid courage, Ameliorating strike, or perhaps divine healing + points in PDK for HAMP and +3 str

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