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  1. #1
    Community Member Swimms's Avatar
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    Default Help me decide on my next life??

    Just capped my Ranger and would like to continue to (slowly) work toward heroic completionist. past lives=Sorc, Wiz, Cleric, Barb, Pally and Rogue (I actually ran up a Warlock and used my free +20 lesser heart to convert to rogue before TRing to get Rogue out of the way). So options would be: Arty, Bard, Druid, FvS, Fighter, Monk or Pally. Self sufficiency is key for me as I like to solo most of the time. I would like to play a fighter but I have concerns about solo play on elite and the ability to self sustain. Thoughts?
    Last edited by Swimms; 12-26-2017 at 11:29 AM.

  2. #2
    Community Member kanordog's Avatar
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    Fighter have a good dps so can handle elite easily. I'd go fighter for +1 stunning fist dc than monk for +1 dmg than the rest.
    You can do a cleric/fighter or fvs/fighter for self heals...
    You nerfed my monks, throwers, dailies and alchemists.
    I hardly play anymore, found a better hobby.
    Thank You!

  3. #3
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    I'm probably biased, but I'd say bard.

    I just finished up a handful of heroic past lives doing warlock 10/____ 10, as well as a few warlock 20 racials. I TRed back to bard to go back into epics and I have to say a lot of quests or specific battles that I found difficult on warlock have been a breeze with the CC that bard has available. I'm not saying bard can kill a room as fast as a warlock and there have been a few quests I didn't have the patience to solo, but in terms of soloability and survivability, I'd put bard pretty high on the list.

    I've been doing mostly solo/duo R1 this life and it's been a blast and a breath of fresh air after all the warlock lives. Carnage reapers are my best friend these days. You wouldn't believe the beating one of them put on the spinner of shadows the other day haha.
    Stratis on Khyber

    Solo/duo raids and solo R10s. Come see what a bard can do.

  4. #4
    Community Member goodspeed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swimms View Post
    Just capped my Ranger and would like to continue to (slowly) work toward heroic completionist. past lives=Sorc, Wiz, Cleric, Barb, Pally and Rogue (I actually ran up a Warlock and used my free +20 lesser heart to convert to rogue before TRing to get Rogue out of the way). So options would be: Arty, Bard, Druid, FvS, Fighter, Monk or Pally. Self sufficiency is key for me as I like to solo most of the time. I would like to play a fighter but I have concerns about solo play on elite and the ability to self sustain. Thoughts?
    Of all those id say fighters the least self sufficient. So maybe a repeater build with more fighter for the past life. Can whip crit wands with wand and scroll mastery then heal scrolls later. Or if you have the fugly helf take cleric dili and you can cast heal reliably at lv 9 with the points in the tree along with raise and everything else.
    Through avarice, evil smiles; through insanity, it sings.

  5. #5
    Community Member Drecas's Avatar
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    Monks are highly survivable. Maybe some kind of shuriken build or a henshin monk?

  6. #6
    Community Member C-Dog's Avatar
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    Am I missing where the OP wants to be (mostly) pure class?

    There are a number of great TR templates that meet the "self-sufficient" requirement. I suggest you pick one based off what playstyle best fits your playstyle, and go from there. W/ 1/3 (or more) of levels as the Dominant Class, there will be enough variation that you shouldn't get bored w/ "the same build".

    o Gen'l discussion
    o Bard 5 /Ftr 3
    o Warlock 9
    o Rogue 6/Ranger 6/X 8 GXB
    o Repeater (Arti/Rog or Arti/Fighter)
    o Rog/Rgr/Ftr 6/6/6 (+2)

    o 8 X/6 Rog/6 Arti, (can be 10x/6r/4a) - NO LINK. Use great x-bows, and go full INT specced, full ranged feats. The power of this build lies in the rogue tier 5 boosts to great x-bows, and artificer 4 fusillades.

    (There are a couple there that include Fighter - naturals. If Arty/Fighter, go warforged for easy self-healing.)

    Last edited by C-Dog; 12-26-2017 at 03:37 PM.

  7. #7
    FreeDeeOh PsychoBlonde's Avatar
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    You can't really beat arty for self-sufficient in heroics. It's nuts. Even most warlocks can't begin to keep up with my arti doing non-reaper heroics. So pure 20 arti is dandy for a fast life.

    Fighter is a really good class for a split, because they're pretty generic and can go along well with just about anything.
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  8. #8
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    Why not try a paladin, they are hardy and can cast healing on themselves. Another benefit is that they have healing amp as a past life feat which is well worth having.

  9. #9
    Community Member fmalfeas's Avatar
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    If you want to do pure fighter, Aasimar, Halfling, or Dwarf would be the way to go for soloing. Yes, dwarf. Because they turn every potion they slug down into a neut poison and then some, along with the heal. And can use con for damage, and just stack con through the roof. It's hard to take out a high PRR/MRR chunk of short steel that seems to be a rock inside the steel.

  10. #10
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    Hmmm, not sure if I misunderstood, but didn't you say you already had a pally past life? If so, why is pally one of your options (if you're going for completionist). Also, when you said you ran the rogue life as a warlock, I assume you also have a warlock past life? If not, are you considering that as an option or holding off on it since you did a lock life for your rogue pl? Lastly, is Ranger an option as well? If so, I really love the ranger class, and that might be a good self sufficient class for you.

  11. #11
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    Currently rockin' Slarden's Arti repear build in Heroics solo'ing R1-R2 and Elites without issues. Fun build
    Main toon - Galing (Sarlona)
    Heroic Completionist x1 - 11/03/2016. Epic Completionist x1 - 12/04/2016
    Current life #43 (14 Epic, 23 Heroic, 3 Iconic, 3 Racial): Warforge 20 Arti 10 Epic

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by PsychoBlonde View Post
    You can't really beat arty for self-sufficient in heroics. It's nuts. Even most warlocks can't begin to keep up with my arti doing non-reaper heroics. So pure 20 arti is dandy for a fast life
    This. The other good thing is your a lot of your PLs have good synergy with arti (bonuses to ranged damage, dc to evoc spells etc.)

  13. #13
    Community Member skorpeon's Avatar
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    Default got some epic lives?

    Quote Originally Posted by Swimms View Post
    Just capped my Ranger and would like to continue to (slowly) work toward heroic completionist. past lives=Sorc, Wiz, Cleric, Barb, Pally and Rogue (I actually ran up a Warlock and used my free +20 lesser heart to convert to rogue before TRing to get Rogue out of the way). So options would be: Arty, Bard, Druid, FvS, Fighter, Monk or Pally. Self sufficiency is key for me as I like to solo most of the time. I would like to play a fighter but I have concerns about solo play on elite and the ability to self sustain. Thoughts?
    I would nudge you towards running a warlock and staying in epics for a bit and get epic past lives. If you have not already try to get one in each sphere as this will help your heroic lives out. There is a lot of advice on what to do here but most importantly play build that you think will be fun. I played a lot of ranged builds (Arti, Rogue and Ranger), but you seem to prefer casters? In this case maybe try caster Arti?
    Last edited by skorpeon; 12-27-2017 at 10:21 AM.
    Main characters, Tymout, Tymkul, Tymbom, Tymantha etc...

  14. #14
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    15/5 Artificer/Rogue
    Tier 5 Mechanic, Tier 4 Battle Engineer. Endless Fusilade with a Great Crossbow is pretty fun. Twist extra action boosts from Legendary Dreadnought for more Fusilade.

  15. #15
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    I did 3 monk and 3 fighter lives using this build by Carpone:

    It was already pretty old when I used it and there might be some better feat selections available now, but it is an absolute blast to play as described. It has a couple druid levels to improve healing ability as well.

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