I've been having a problem for about two months now where my connection seems to freeze in game, but only for uploaded information. I can see everything moving around me, I can get damaged, on my cleric, I can see my healing aura heal me. But I can't move or have any actions I try to take have an effect. It's not like regular lag, where you totally freeze. If I hit the space bar to jump, I get that crouching gesture, which doesn't happen with "normal" lag. If I hit a spell, the timer goes off and then immediately resets.
This episodes can last from ten or so seconds to ten or fifteen minutes. During this time, I can alt tab out and use the internet normally. I can stream video or access other sites. It's only the one direction, ingame, that seems to be frozen. In the last two days it has gotten much worse and I lose connection completely.
I am on a Windows 10 machine. This problem predates the recent big windows update. I use Verizon DSL on a dedicated line, and my PC is hardwired to the router. I have noticed no other problems with my connection, but DDO is my one big use of the internet.
Does this sound like a game problem, or an ISP problem?