1. Combine the buff bard songs into one buff song. Why: after playing 2 or 3 bards songs most the time the group is running away in different directions so I cant even finish buffing. Most of the time I am not using half my songs.
Implementation: universal song. It grows with buffs as the other songs become available and increase in strength.
This fix does not make the bard anymore powerful just simply reduced the time wasting playing each songs not to mention the spell buffs he might want to add also.
2. You fixed heal song to be aoe which was needed but the spell point song is still single target. please make spell song vigor(spell point song) group wide. It will truly add to the value of a group having bard there seeing there power increase. rather than having to chase each person down to give it to them. Rarely in group content do we all stay together.
3. melee dps survivability. little more ac and damage reduction so they can take couple hits without almost instant dying. Melee bards are extremely difficult to play in higher level content anyhow to play( r5+).