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ok my very first toon is a iconic shadar kai 5 rogue 10 artificer. im noticing she has a very hard time doing damage with her daggers and was wondering what i should do to increase her melee damage. i bought a rune arm and its pretty sweet was very happy with that. but my problem is im having trouble figuring out where to go with the class, i love the electrical spells and buffs the crafting was my main draw though, i used to smith in ultima online so i enjoy being able to craft and the 2 levels per crafting boost is awesome(havent used it yet but still think its cool)
so should i make a new one and redo my feats,skills and stats? im still level 15 and im not getting xp for most stuff anything around the level 12 range is too hard for me to solo. i like dual wielding but it would mean de-equiping my rune arm so i doubt that will work and the tempest is quite the AP hog to really get going.
i also noticed that the dragon mage(cant remember the name) epic destiny is no for artificer and that the bard goes well with the artificer. im planning to go magister/shadowdancer for my first run then get the dragon mage later or make a dragon born for that idk.
any and all suggestions will help.
side note: if i go favored soul and pick wisdom for hit/dmg if my wis is lower will i still get at least the damage boost? is it like how str just adds damage? if thats the case then i really need to re-roll this toon her damge output in melee is just not enough.