Hello cleric community!
I'm searching for build advice or links to builds that focus on a healing cleric that's fairly survivable in high skull reaper. Survivable being the key word there, since you can't heal or rez anyone when you're dead too!
I don't particularly care about high dps contributions because of group dynamics, although it would be nice to either be able to also contribute to CC or DPS in a somewhat meaningful way.
Primarily though, I need a build that focuses on being able to withstand a few hits while dumping out heals and rezzes to the dps in the party in say a 5-10 skull reaper. I noticed a significant amount of builds on the first few pages of this forum focus primarily on heroic levels and hardly any talk about epic levels or epic destinies or mention more than reaper 1 or 2 at all, so any links to something more complete would be great!
A little about my current character's past lives...
Heroic Past Lives: 3FVS, 3Sorc, 3Wiz, 1Wlk
Epic Past Lives: 3Colors, 3Energy Crit, 1Power over Life and Death, 1Skill Mastery
Racial Past Lives: 3Dragon, 1Drow, 1Dwarf, 2Half-Elf
Obviously I'm still working on collecting these and I haven't played a cleric before (this particular character was a sorcerer then warlock), so any advice as to the best route is welcome!