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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default Seeking Survival Cleric build for high skull reaper

    Hello cleric community!

    I'm searching for build advice or links to builds that focus on a healing cleric that's fairly survivable in high skull reaper. Survivable being the key word there, since you can't heal or rez anyone when you're dead too!

    I don't particularly care about high dps contributions because of group dynamics, although it would be nice to either be able to also contribute to CC or DPS in a somewhat meaningful way.

    Primarily though, I need a build that focuses on being able to withstand a few hits while dumping out heals and rezzes to the dps in the party in say a 5-10 skull reaper. I noticed a significant amount of builds on the first few pages of this forum focus primarily on heroic levels and hardly any talk about epic levels or epic destinies or mention more than reaper 1 or 2 at all, so any links to something more complete would be great!

    A little about my current character's past lives...

    Heroic Past Lives: 3FVS, 3Sorc, 3Wiz, 1Wlk
    Epic Past Lives: 3Colors, 3Energy Crit, 1Power over Life and Death, 1Skill Mastery
    Racial Past Lives: 3Dragon, 1Drow, 1Dwarf, 2Half-Elf

    Obviously I'm still working on collecting these and I haven't played a cleric before (this particular character was a sorcerer then warlock), so any advice as to the best route is welcome!

  2. #2
    Community Member GreenBastred's Avatar
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    Vish has been in the trenches a lot. Check this out
    After all, Green is the new Red

  3. #3
    Community Member
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    Thanks for the suggestion. It was a build I looked at but wasn't too sure about as it only ever addresses epic elite and doesn't mention reaper at all. I'm not sure how well a THF or TWF cleric will translate to high skull reapers. Can they still really stand in the mix of a pack of mobs and be expected to get a swing off while keeping people up and not dying themselves to the mobs that didn't get hit by other people's CC and aren't aggroed to anyone else? I'm just not sure because I don't know enough about what kind of defenses they can stack up, and I really haven't seen anyone claim that they are doing that yet. And if they can't, then is there any point in going with THF over tower shield or something more defensive? Or even a caster build that could contribute to CCing the additional mobs?

  4. #4
    Bounty Hunter slarden's Avatar
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    Apr 2011


    For survivable cleric build

    - splash 3 fighter with fighter feats shield mastery and improved shield mastery, 20% hp bonus and prr/mrr bonus from stalwart defender. Take fighter levels at a high enough level to meet the BAB requirements - some point after getting heal spell.
    - use Tower shield (automatic proficiency from fighter although a level 1 spell also grants proficiency)
    - lgs material opposition items for hp bonus (18% hp bonus for 2 pieces and 6% for each additional piece)
    - unyielding sentinel destiny (20% hp bonus, immunity to knockdown, prr benefits, renewal sla for cheap topping off of hp for party members, etc.)
    - if you want to be true reaper healbot go con based (i.e., max con rather than wisdom)
    - either healing domain for cure mass sla, luck for displacement or strength for immunity to knockdown and stuns
    - legendary feat: scion of celestia for 150 hp
    - Twist in meld into darkness for emergencies
    - Twist cocoon for cheap heals and temp hp
    - MRR and immunity to knockdown protects you from most bad reflex save things, fom and immunity to stuns protects you from most bad will save things so twist in fort save bonus and EA spell point bonus for other twists and put reaper points to fort saves. If con based and taking the twist you will never fail a fort save.
    - Feats make sure you take toughness, mental toughness, improved mental toughness, epic toughness, epic mental toughness
    - healing rotation of mass cure sla from healing domain, cocoon and renewal uses very little sp

    Full on defensive healing build 2600-3200 hp, 200+prr

    My recommendation: Wisdom build with 3 fighter and 2-piece LGS in Exalted Angel to add some dps maybe 1800-2100 hp and still around 200 prr with wings. Light focused.

    all hp bonuses stack (multiplied so 120% * 118% * 120% = 70% hp bonus)
    Last edited by slarden; 12-08-2017 at 08:10 AM.
    DC Warlock Reaper Build (U48)
    Max DC Illusionist Reaper Build (U48)

  5. #5
    Build Constructionist unbongwah's Avatar
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    I took a stab at an AC+HP-focused healbot using Aasimar Protector bond + Protection domain. Disclaimer: it's all just theorycrafting.
    Semi-retired Build Engineer. Everything was better back in our day. Get off my lawn.

  6. #6
    Community Member Vish's Avatar
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    Well, that raid battlecleric was my first attempt back into cleric
    Been down the road since that
    I run a paralyzer cleric now, for cc and heals
    I can run him in 10 skull but I don't generally
    But paralyzers work, and he has decent aura and lotta sp,
    Just for heals
    Best cleric I've come up with
    Fits the meta
    It's survivable
    I don't do stupid stuff like run in us for more hp
    Reaper is about being useful, so run good Ed
    So I run dc with about 1100 hp
    I don't die hardly, but I'm the cleric
    Don't draw too much aggro, except the paralyzers do,
    But the cc is bestest
    If interested look at priest of the silver flame, in cleric

    Otherwise I can make you one if you got an idea
    Kil Glory
    30 alchemist

  7. #7
    Community Member GreenBastred's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by unbongwah View Post
    I took a stab at an AC+HP-focused healbot using Aasimar Protector bond + Protection domain. Disclaimer: it's all just theorycrafting.
    This would make one hell of a tank healer with a lot of turns. If you already had great heal amp could go with Elf for Dragon Mark Displacement along with Protection Domain.

    How does the Divine Might and high Charisma play out with damage. I mean does it directly add to Hit and Damage? What form of CC could be fit in to this build?

    Drop Protection Domain for a form of Enchantment Domain maybe.
    Last edited by GreenBastred; 12-08-2017 at 04:40 PM.
    After all, Green is the new Red

  8. #8
    Build Constructionist unbongwah's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GreenBastred View Post
    If you already had great heal amp could go with Elf for Dragon Mark Displacement along with Protection Domain.
    As much as I personally hate relying on clickies, Displacement can come from gear. No other build is going to have triple-stacked +10%/+20%/+20% bonus HPs like an Aasimar (competence) / paladin (sacred) / Sentinel (insight) combo can, though.
    Drop Protection Domain for a form of Enchantment Domain maybe.
    They you've switched from the original goal of that build - extra survivability from AC/PRR/MRR bonuses plus Radiant Forcefield SLA - into...something else. CC caster / healer, maybe? Whatever: not what I was going for, is the point.
    Semi-retired Build Engineer. Everything was better back in our day. Get off my lawn.

  9. #9
    Community Member GreenBastred's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by unbongwah View Post
    As much as I personally hate relying on clickies, Displacement can come from gear. No other build is going to have triple-stacked +10%/+20%/+20% bonus HPs like an Aasimar (competence) / paladin (sacred) / Sentinel (insight) combo can, though.

    They you've switched from the original goal of that build - extra survivability from AC/PRR/MRR bonuses plus Radiant Forcefield SLA - into...something else. CC caster / healer, maybe? Whatever: not what I was going for, is the point.
    I was not too familiar with the Aasimar race, 50% total HP bonus is nice!

    Quote Originally Posted by Zaylis View Post
    I don't particularly care about high dps contributions because of group dynamics, although it would be nice to either be able to also contribute to CC or DPS in a somewhat meaningful way.
    I like the build definetly tanky and a great healer with an extra 60% healing amp for survivability. I only suggest another Domain because Zaylis wants to contribute to the party CC or DPS.
    Last edited by GreenBastred; 12-09-2017 at 04:07 AM.
    After all, Green is the new Red

  10. #10
    Community Member
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    I like the build. Would like to work in cc or dc spells though. Any ideas?

  11. #11
    Community Member pappo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vish View Post
    Well, that raid battlecleric was my first attempt back into cleric
    Been down the road since that
    I run a paralyzer cleric now, for cc and heals
    I can run him in 10 skull but I don't generally
    But paralyzers work, and he has decent aura and lotta sp,
    Just for heals
    Best cleric I've come up with
    Fits the meta
    It's survivable
    I don't do stupid stuff like run in us for more hp
    Reaper is about being useful, so run good Ed
    So I run dc with about 1100 hp
    I don't die hardly, but I'm the cleric
    Don't draw too much aggro, except the paralyzers do,
    But the cc is bestest
    If interested look at priest of the silver flame, in cleric

    Otherwise I can make you one if you got an idea

    Have you posted your latest cleric paralyzer build or is it just your original Vishs raid battlecleric build with paralyzing weapons ?

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