I can't see much good in taking Cleric to 20, as the capstones aren't really all that good. So I was going to take it to 17 or 18, then multiclass. I was wondering what you all would consider the best 1-3 levels to splash onto Cleric.
Artificer 2 gives you Repeaters and Runearms, as well as a dog for levers.
Monk 2 gives you Evasion and Wisdom to AC when unarmored.
Paladin 3 Gives you +11 worth of Charisma bonus to saves.
Wizard gives you access to Charm Person (useful for Trickery Domain Clerics), Magic Missile, and possibly Magic Missile SLA if you want it. Also has the possibility of going 3 Wizard and getting the Pale Master Zombie form, which combined with Negative-based Divine Disciple could feasibly be raunchy, although it seems like it'd be worth sacking more than just 3 levels of cleric for something like that. But Still Wizard and Sorc both give serious options.
I'm trying to keep at least one 9th level spell for Implosion and Mass Heal, but talk about what you like.