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  1. #21
    Squirrel Enthusiast Lokeal_The_Flame's Avatar
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    Nov 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by FranOhmsford View Post
    Yeah this thread is "Problematic"

    I'd just like to add that Religion is an EXCUSE not the REASON!

    The ReasonS behind War and other violent acts are.....

    GREED {Money, Oil, A Skateboard}
    FEAR {It turns to Anger, Anger then turns to Hatred and Hatred leads to the......Yeah you can all finish that one }.
    LUST {For Power as well as for the obvious}

    P.S. OP:


    Meh, I wouldn't say the opening post was problematic, but people certainly are -_-

    Very vibrant armor, wait.... did you color that yourself?

    Anyhow, is there an armor out there that is equal parts purple, black, grey, and white? I'm asexual and there's a huge problem with people refusing to even acknowledge that we exist. Asexuals aren't sexually attracted to anyone and that difference often makes people either uncomfortable that they can't project their deviancy onto us or simply has them in disbelief and denial to our existence. A lot of us are disgusted by the allosexual cultures in which dominate the social atmospheres world wide, we get little to no exposure in pop culture or literature and there are widespread misunderstandings and misinformation about us.

  2. #22
    Squirrel Enthusiast Lokeal_The_Flame's Avatar
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    Nov 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Miow View Post
    This is a false statement to think there are no politics in a secular society/scenario, in our world they exist everywhere let's keep it out of the game.

    Variation is good, shouting your support at the top of your lungs on a mountain top is a great release and i can respect that. But using a platform such as a video game to push an agenda of any kind when it contains a variation of people with different beliefs for the purpose of propagating said agenda is political or religious. What are you going to say to them if they don't like it don't play the game?

    I would be the first person to step in front of you if you were being beaten/abused or mistreated in the real world but let's keep this the world of dungeon and dragons please.
    No, religion free=Secular

    Secular politics in a purely secular setting don't need to concern with lgbt+ discrimination as lgbt+ discrimination is faith driven rather than fact driven and so in such a setting it's not any more a matter of politics than proper hygiene would be.

    If DDO is politics free before it is religion free then there is a conflict as concepts of what politics are have been expressed in the past by DDO itself thus suggesting that the context of the reality on the matter is different or some level of hypocrisy or double standards is at play in which is a negative no one wants to believe.

    If DDO is religion free first and foremost before it is politics free then there is still a conflict, just not as big if you run a tear down of such.

    1) Religion free=Secular, secular=secular standards, secular standards=pro lgbt+ standards

    2) Religion free=Secular, secular culture=LGBT+ friendly, LGBT+ friendly=No problem with harmless levels and measures of expression on such (On a the small level of showing one's colors)

    3) Religion free=Religious influence free, religious influence free=No purely religiously derived concepts of politics, No purely religiously derived concepts of politics= No lgbt+discrimination flowing through anyone's concept of politics in said setting assuming it is isolated from observing cultures that would have such a problem.

    In other words religiosity comes with a sort of false expansions on concepts of what all is deemed political, if religion discussion is forbidden then the politics that come from the religious thinking goes with it and thus the basis for hindering lgbt+ support is removed.

    If someone left the game over such a minor form of harmless self-expression being made possible, they simply weren't loyal enough to the game and chances are they've been reported for misconduct by players who fell victim to them already as that kind of toxicity and incivility does not simply forever stay dormant, it seeps out and makes more people uncomfortable and them being gone might actually help bring back some people who left because of their toxicity. Maybe DDO should increase its standards on matters of civility and equality?

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