I made this cosmetic from the new Barovian Mist weapon aura and First Blood bastard sword..... it would be awesome if this appearance was given to an actual named item so I was thinking, what would it even be called? Well..... I was listening to my music and Sabbath Bloody Sabbath by Black Sabbath came alone in my playlist.... what would it do?
Well, here's what I'd want it to do....
Black Sabbath (Bastard Sword)
Artificer only UMD 65
Reminder Remainder-On a critical hit, the enemy is sometimes instantly slain with a 100% chance to drop a collectable of any type. (Works using the proc chance mechanics of Sovereign Vorpal)
Taint Of Evil
Sovereign Paralysis (Downgrades to improved Paralysis if equipped by a non-artificer class or a multiclass artificer)
Sovereign Entropic
Constitution Damage
Vampirism 4