Originally Posted by
no ty, that would be an all or nothing approach.
where are the crates stored? bank?
i don't want my gear sorted in lvl, what now?
Sry, but this is impractical at best.
Offer a make btc --> bta option like stone of change ritual or some deity has to pee on your stick, i dunno. that way you can rid people off with bying extra character slots for mules. I got plenty already. One or two more won't break the halforcs back.
If it is to difficult to overhaul the now-bank implement a new bank system parallel to the old one. Let the peeps transfer their goodies all by themself. And after all their goods are transfered into a more roomy, more organized, categorized bank, they can't open the old bank anymore. they have to do that once, i think that is manageable.
Juts my thoughts before coffee.