So I haven’t played DDO in close to two years, and felt like returning recently. I downloaded the game, logged in, chose my server and was excited to play. The problem is, after the game started up it went to a black screen and I can’t do anything. The game doesn’t crash, it just sits on a black screen. I thought it might be my account, but my son can log into my account in his computer just fine. So after that failed, I redownloaded the game. Still didn’t work. I reset the launcher to default settings. That didn’t work. I reset the game display settings, and that didn’t work. I tried launching it without the high resolution game data, that didn’t work. I redownloaded it again, and that didn’t work. At this point, I’ve put in about 5 hours in trying to get this thing to work myself. I just want to start playing again, but any time I try and think of something it doesn’t work, then I get frustrated and stop trying.