Hi, I'm Phaaze and I run the Stormfrost guild on Orien. Stormfrost is an all-officer guild where everyone is welcome. I took this approach to try to reduce the amount of drama I'd seen as a member of previous guilds. This way, no one is your boss if you're an officer as well. I may be the leader of the guild, but that just means I'm the MOST not your boss. I'm trying to craft this guild into a community tool, where people can come and go as they please. Officers are encouraged to invite whoever they wish. We're here for both newbies and veterans, and we really only have 2 main rules. 1: Don't be a ****. 2: See rule 1. If you're interested, send me (Phaaze) an in game /tell or a mail, or ask any member for an invite!