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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Jan 2016

    Default Failed payment, but the items remained. What to do?

    Hi, I am little bit confused... day by day more and more
    November 4th, 2017 I've been trying to buy "Mists of Ravenloft" Expansion Pack.
    Immediately after making the payment, I received an email with codes. I've entered the Digital Rights code in the game and everything was working. Two days later (November 6th, 2017) I received an email saying that the payment was refunded (I immediately attempted to write to support with this link: Unfortunately, I still did not receive a response.) Two days ago, I got the money back. (November 9th, 2017)
    But now I have another problem in my account I have cosmetics and pets including free character space and Aasimar race say ... free of charge? I'm afraid I'll get some punishment, or even worse, any reimbursement requirements that I will not be able to pay. When the payment has already been refunded. Even if i wanna pay for what i got...
    Tell me what to do, I'm starting to panic. Another problem with me is that I come from Europe. And I'm not able to communicate directly with support other way than through tickets with help of the Google Translator (Like now...)
    I did not even know where the payment could have been a mistake because I was paying that way for the first time (I had bought everything through the in-game store before) but when it was received and rejected two days later with the money already sent from my account what could be the cause that the payment was returned?
    Thank you in advance for help and sorry for Rip English ... (Mby i am too dumb and everything is just my mistake cuz i just wanna something more for my cousin.)

  2. #2
    Community Member Drelak's Avatar
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    Dec 2010


    Do not panic. They are not going to punish you.
    You will likely recieve an answer in a week or so.

    Did you get all your money back, or just some of it? There has been some problem with taxes, so they may be refunding them.
    Also what is your native language?
    Probably someone on the forums speaks that and could translate for you.

  3. #3
    Community Member
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    Jan 2016


    Well. I paid $ 157.29. Which I received back as it is written in the mail.
    I am from the Czech Republic so for me it was 3605.32 CZK.
    When I got the money back, I guess it was governed by the exchange rate and I got back 3551.88 CZK
    I have no problem with English I understand well (perhaps), but not so well in common use or when I have to speak directly to someone.
    The problem with me is that I am not directly orientated in these matters and that is a little frustrating to me. Obviously, I tried something that I underestimated. I thought it would be as easy as with an in-game shopping

  4. #4
    Community Member Drelak's Avatar
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    First of all there are 4 flags on the upper corner of the marketpace.
    Before paying you should click for example german flag to let the market know you are member of EU.
    Othervise they will charge you for VAT, that is always included in EU prices, (price is 115€ btw.)
    Marketplace is bit messy now especially for EU citizens not using euros.

    With this information I would expect you might be asked for 115€ later.
    My experience with the support from the marketplace has been very positive so far.
    Last edited by Drelak; 11-11-2017 at 12:58 PM.

  5. #5
    Community Member
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    So I messed up all because I made a payment from the US DDOMarket?
    Did the automatic currency exchange rate from my bank take over and did that item was more expensive than it should have been?
    Because I paid for the package at +/- € 135 as it is written in my bank account history.
    So now I have to wait for a support answer or a payment request? On the email I entered when I submitted the Ticket / Payment?
    If things will work this way, I will be glad.
    I had plans to buy the Shadowfell conspiracy too. And instead, I had to solve this problem because email came back with an refunding money for Ravenloft.
    Hmm is there a possibility to have DDO Market pre-set for the EU but with English? German is my very weak side of communication...

  6. #6
    Community Member Drelak's Avatar
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    I think you are correct. Wait a week more for the e-mail, but check junkmail folder as these e-mails are sometimes mistaken as junk.
    You might also check your credit card bill in case they have already remade the correct transaction.

    There is no flag for EU in the market, but just playing with it it's possible to have service in English with EUR currency. Clicking german flag in the way may remedy the tax issue (this is a rumor). Try for example clicking British flag before checkout.
    Or you could edit the HTML- address to end with currency EUR. Just check that no VAT is added to the given price before accepting. (They refund VAT on request in case you make mistake.)

    It would be great to have official instructions.

  7. #7
    Community Member
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    Jan 2016


    I hope it will go this way.
    Nevertheless, thank you in advance for your help. Perhaps it will be solved as it should.
    And yes it would be good to have more than just the basic instructions for payment.
    But thank you. I am a debtor. (Not yet but I feel that I will be)

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