000000000.000: Initializing client - build version is [2600.0046.5783.4116.RELEASE]
000000000.000: Initializing the global event handler...
000000000.000: Creating trigger schedulers...
000000000.000: Initializing the network...
000000000.000: Initializing the cache...
000000000.000: CLCache::Init: called.
000000000.000: LookForFile trying cwd
000000000.000: Is_File_Here found 'client_general.dat' in 'C:/Program Files (x86)/Turbine/Dungeons & Dragons Online'
datfile "client_general.dat" stamped with datpack versions eng:112, game:3,
executable supporting datpack versions eng:-1, game: -1.
datfile "client_highres.dat" stamped with datpack versions eng:112, game:3,
executable supporting datpack versions eng:-1, game: -1.
datfile "client_gamelogic.dat" stamped with datpack versions eng:112, game:3,
executable supporting datpack versions eng:-1, game: -1.
datfile "client_anim.dat" stamped with datpack versions eng:112, game:3,
executable supporting datpack versions eng:-1, game: -1.
datfile "client_mesh.dat" stamped with datpack versions eng:112, game:3,
executable supporting datpack versions eng:-1, game: -1.
datfile "client_sound.dat" stamped with datpack versions eng:112, game:3,
executable supporting datpack versions eng:-1, game: -1.
datfile "client_surface.dat" stamped with datpack versions eng:112, game:3,
executable supporting datpack versions eng:-1, game: -1.
datfile "client_cell_1.dat" stamped with datpack versions eng:112, game:0,
executable supporting datpack versions eng:-1, game: -1.
datfile "client_map_1.dat" stamped with datpack versions eng:112, game:0,
executable supporting datpack versions eng:-1, game: -1.
datfile "client_cell_2.dat" stamped with datpack versions eng:112, game:0,
executable supporting datpack versions eng:-1, game: -1.
datfile "client_map_2.dat" stamped with datpack versions eng:112, game:0,
executable supporting datpack versions eng:-1, game: -1.
datfile "client_local_English.dat" stamped with datpack versions eng:112, game:3,
executable supporting datpack versions eng:-1, game: -1.
000000000.000: Initializing display with title 'Dungeons and Dragons Online'...
000000000.000: Device_WIN32::Init: called.
000000000.000: Device_WIN32::InitDEVICE| Detected operating system: Windows 7
000000000.000: Initializing the smartbox...
000000000.000: Initializing the user interface...
000000000.000: Client ready
000000008.221: Client::Connect() async logon begun.
000000008.867: GlobalEventHandler::RecvEvt_DisplayStringInfo: Validating credentials...
366033493.491: GlobalEventHandler::RecvEvt_DisplayStringInfo: Loading subscription data...
366033493.491: GlobalEventHandler::RecvEvt_DisplayStringInfo: Loading character data...
366033493.619: GlobalEventHandler::RecvEvt_WorldName: Khyber
366033493.942: Client: Flushing database after DDD
366033494.264: GlobalEventHandler::RecvEvt_DisplayStringInfo: Receiving character data...
366033500.122: GlobalEventHandler::RecvEvt_CharSet: called.
366033517.219: GlobalEventHandler::RecvEvt_PlayerSessionStart_ServerToClient: player: 0x02130000002A79D2
366033517.219: CObjectMaint::RecvNotice_SetPlayerIDplayer: 0x02130000002A79D2
366033517.412: QuestData::RecvNotice_LoginFinished: Requesting patron data from login (The return of this will request the quest information!)...
366033521.060: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: static scenery and landscape is loaded.
366033521.060: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: waiting no more than 10.00 seconds for dynamic objects to load.
366033522.096: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: dynamics finished loading in 1.04 seconds.
366033522.096: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: calling ECM_Physics::SendNotice_PlayerReadyToEnterWorld.
366033522.096: SmartBox::Render: calling ECM_Physics::SendNotice_NextFrameDrawn.
366033523.264: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Title) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
366033523.890: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Title) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
366033524.083: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Combat_WeaponType) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
366033525.117: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Title) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
366033544.996: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Feat.InnateAttack@Feat::m_nAttackLevel) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
366033544.996: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Effect.InnateAttack@Agent::m_nAttackLevel) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
366033634.253: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Title) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
366033640.159: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Title) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
366033641.951: QuestData::RecvNotice_GetPatronRanks: We have the patron data, now we need quest records...
366033643.750: QuestData::RecvNotice_GetAllDungeonQuestRecords: We have recieved the quest records...
366033643.750: QuestData::RecvNotice_GetAllDungeonQuestRecords: Calling out to populate the adventure compendium...
366033643.750: AdventureCompendiumUI::RecvNotice_PopulateAdventureCompendium: Adventure Compendium notice received
366033643.750: AdventureCompendiumUI::PopulateQuestList: Populate quest list in progress.
366033643.750: AdventureCompendiumUI::PopulateChallengeList: Populate challenge list in progress.
366033643.750: AdventureCompendiumUI::PopulateWildernessList: Populate wilderness list in progress.
366033643.750: AdventureCompendiumUI::PopulatePatronList: Populate patron list in progress.
366033690.674: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Spell_CasterMaxLevelModifier) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
366033707.443: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Feat.InnateAttack@Feat::m_nAttackLevel) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
366033707.443: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Effect.InnateAttack@Agent::m_nAttackLevel) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
366033720.147: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Spell_CasterMaxLevelModifier) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
366033752.654: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Spell_CasterMaxLevelModifier) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
366033754.063: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Title) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
366033754.725: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Spell_CasterMaxLevelModifier) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
366033754.725: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Action_IsFastSpell) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
366033755.972: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Action_IsFastSpell) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
366033756.911: SmartBox::PlayerTeleportation_PositionEventReceived: stamp: 28
366033756.968: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Feat.InnateAttack@Feat::m_nAttackLevel) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
366033756.968: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Effect.InnateAttack@Agent::m_nAttackLevel) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
366033758.121: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: static scenery and landscape is loaded.
366033758.121: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: waiting no more than 10.00 seconds for dynamic objects to load.
366033758.306: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: dynamics finished loading in 0.19 seconds.
366033758.306: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: calling ECM_Physics::SendNotice_PlayerReadyToEnterWorld.
366033758.306: SmartBox::Render: calling ECM_Physics::SendNotice_NextFrameDrawn.
366033760.130: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Spell_CasterMaxLevelModifier) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
366033760.187: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Appearance.Mod@Pet::m_fColorShift_Driven) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
366033760.187: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Creature_Traits) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
366033760.187: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Death@Agent.m_iDeathAnimation) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
366033767.340: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Render_AlwaysSelectable) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
366033773.450: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Av_Skin_Base_Color) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
366033778.845: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Spell_CasterMaxLevelModifier) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
366033782.686: SmartBox::PlayerTeleportation_PositionEventReceived: stamp: 29
366033783.311: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: static scenery and landscape is loaded.
366033783.311: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: we are not waiting on any dyanamics.
366033783.311: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: calling ECM_Physics::SendNotice_PlayerReadyToEnterWorld.
366033783.311: SmartBox::Render: calling ECM_Physics::SendNotice_NextFrameDrawn.
366033796.057: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Spell_CasterMaxLevelModifier) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
366033802.645: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Spell_CasterMaxLevelModifier) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
366033808.702: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Spell_CasterMaxLevelModifier) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
366033810.909: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Spell_CasterMaxLevelModifier) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
366033812.779: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Spell_CasterMaxLevelModifier) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
366033816.804: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Spell_CasterMaxLevelModifier) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
366033827.222: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Spell_CasterMaxLevelModifier) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
366033831.153: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Spell_CasterMaxLevelModifier) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
366033833.921: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Spell_CasterMaxLevelModifier) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
366033835.287: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Spell_CasterMaxLevelModifier) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
366033836.460: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Spell_CasterMaxLevelModifier) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
366033837.872: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Spell_CasterMaxLevelModifier) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
366033841.780: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Spell_CasterMaxLevelModifier) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
366033843.509: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Spell_CasterMaxLevelModifier) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
366033844.972: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Spell_CasterMaxLevelModifier) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
366033846.085: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Spell_CasterMaxLevelModifier) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
366033847.390: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Spell_CasterMaxLevelModifier) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
366033851.572: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Spell_CasterMaxLevelModifier) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
366033854.175: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Spell_CasterMaxLevelModifier) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
366033855.186: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Spell_CasterMaxLevelModifier) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
366033866.578: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Spell_CasterMaxLevelModifier) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
Again, the tons of 'Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (BLAH) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.' errors between 366033522 and 366033541 are what I think the issue is. These also reappear later in the log, again probably coinciding with this issue happening again.