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  1. #1
    Community Member Deathdefy's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    Default Strange UI issues

    Hi SSG / others,

    Since about 3 weeks ago I've been having weird issues with my UI. Specifically:
    - When I load in I can run around just fine and see other characters move but chat doesn't load, and either do hotbar location or hotbar icon content for ages.

    Then once they finally do, I'll have issues in quests:
    - chat will die again (though I'll still be able to send/receive tells)
    - I won't see my health update / won't see numbers when I do damage or healing
    - Dialogue boxes won't open
    - I won't get effects signs above my head (e.g. GH won't pop up with 'Greater Heroism' text spell and a shiny orange man)
    - Finally it'll come through with all the numbers and effects in a rush, then die again.

    Also, sometimes an enemy mob will be dead; but still appear to have life and physically obstruct my trying to move into its space. I know it's dead as everyone else in the party just keeps going. Weird.

    I filed a help ticket a few days back and got 'file a Technical Support ticket' which I did and then it's been radio silence.

    So yeah - if anyone else knows a fix, or even has a better guess of what's up I'm super interested and willing to try crazy fixes. I've never had this issue before and every other game is still fine.

    I've posted the log from 'dndclient.log' below as I think the culprit is whatever these lines mean:
    365957560.370: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Combat_WeaponType) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
    365957561.614: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Render_AlwaysSelectable) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
    365957561.614: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage_CanBeUsed) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.

    If it's of interest I'm a pure Deep Gnome artificer in Draconic ED. I don't think the issue is hardware but as it's potentially relevant I am on the latest NVIDIA driver (388.13) for a GTX1070.

    000000000.000: Initializing client - build version is [2600.0046.5783.4116.RELEASE] 
    000000000.000: Initializing the global event handler...
    000000000.000: Creating trigger schedulers...
    000000000.000: Initializing the network...
    000000000.000: Initializing the cache...
    000000000.000: CLCache::Init: called.
    000000000.000: LookForFile trying cwd
    000000000.000: Is_File_Here found 'client_general.dat' in 'C:/Program Files (x86)/Turbine/Dungeons & Dragons Online'
      datfile "client_general.dat" stamped with datpack versions eng:112, game:3,
      executable supporting datpack versions eng:-1, game: -1.
      datfile "client_highres.dat" stamped with datpack versions eng:112, game:3,
      executable supporting datpack versions eng:-1, game: -1.
      datfile "client_gamelogic.dat" stamped with datpack versions eng:112, game:3,
      executable supporting datpack versions eng:-1, game: -1.
      datfile "client_anim.dat" stamped with datpack versions eng:112, game:3,
      executable supporting datpack versions eng:-1, game: -1.
      datfile "client_mesh.dat" stamped with datpack versions eng:112, game:3,
      executable supporting datpack versions eng:-1, game: -1.
      datfile "client_sound.dat" stamped with datpack versions eng:112, game:3,
      executable supporting datpack versions eng:-1, game: -1.
      datfile "client_surface.dat" stamped with datpack versions eng:112, game:3,
      executable supporting datpack versions eng:-1, game: -1.
      datfile "client_cell_1.dat" stamped with datpack versions eng:112, game:0,
      executable supporting datpack versions eng:-1, game: -1.
      datfile "client_map_1.dat" stamped with datpack versions eng:112, game:0,
      executable supporting datpack versions eng:-1, game: -1.
      datfile "client_cell_2.dat" stamped with datpack versions eng:112, game:0,
      executable supporting datpack versions eng:-1, game: -1.
      datfile "client_map_2.dat" stamped with datpack versions eng:112, game:0,
      executable supporting datpack versions eng:-1, game: -1.
      datfile "client_local_English.dat" stamped with datpack versions eng:112, game:3,
      executable supporting datpack versions eng:-1, game: -1.
    000000000.000: Initializing display with title 'Dungeons and Dragons Online'...
    000000000.000: Device_WIN32::Init: called.
    000000000.000: Device_WIN32::InitDEVICE|  Detected operating system: Windows 7
    000000000.000: Initializing the smartbox...
    000000000.000: Initializing the user interface...
    000000000.000: Client ready
    000000007.542: Client::Connect() async logon begun.
    000000008.442: GlobalEventHandler::RecvEvt_DisplayStringInfo: Validating credentials...
    365957536.933: GlobalEventHandler::RecvEvt_DisplayStringInfo: Loading subscription data...
    365957536.933: GlobalEventHandler::RecvEvt_DisplayStringInfo: Loading character data...
    365957537.062: GlobalEventHandler::RecvEvt_WorldName: Khyber
    365957537.578: Client: Flushing database after DDD
    365957538.157: GlobalEventHandler::RecvEvt_DisplayStringInfo: Receiving character data...
    365957543.821: GlobalEventHandler::RecvEvt_CharSet: called.
    365957555.040: GlobalEventHandler::RecvEvt_PlayerSessionStart_ServerToClient: player: 0x02130000002A79D2
    365957555.040: CObjectMaint::RecvNotice_SetPlayerIDplayer: 0x02130000002A79D2
    365957555.169: QuestData::RecvNotice_LoginFinished: Requesting patron data from login (The return of this will request the quest information!)...
    365957558.714: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: static scenery and landscape is loaded.
    365957558.714: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: waiting no more than 10.00 seconds for dynamic objects to load.
    365957559.101: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: dynamics finished loading in 0.39 seconds.
    365957559.101: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: calling ECM_Physics::SendNotice_PlayerReadyToEnterWorld.
    365957559.101: SmartBox::Render: calling ECM_Physics::SendNotice_NextFrameDrawn.
    365957560.370: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Combat_WeaponType) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
    365957561.614: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Render_AlwaysSelectable) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
    365957561.614: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Usage_CanBeUsed) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
    365957697.854: QuestData::RecvNotice_GetPatronRanks: We have the patron data, now we need quest records...
    365957701.849: QuestData::RecvNotice_GetAllDungeonQuestRecords: We have recieved the quest records...
    365957701.849: QuestData::RecvNotice_GetAllDungeonQuestRecords: Calling out to populate the adventure compendium...
    365957701.849: AdventureCompendiumUI::RecvNotice_PopulateAdventureCompendium: Adventure Compendium notice received
    365957701.849: AdventureCompendiumUI::PopulateQuestList: Populate quest list in progress.
    365957701.849: AdventureCompendiumUI::PopulateChallengeList: Populate challenge list in progress.
    365957701.849: AdventureCompendiumUI::PopulateWildernessList: Populate wilderness list in progress.
    365957701.849: AdventureCompendiumUI::PopulatePatronList: Populate patron list in progress.
    365957738.561: AdventureCompendiumUI::PopulateQuestList: Populate quest list in progress.
    365957738.561: AdventureCompendiumUI::PopulateChallengeList: Populate challenge list in progress.
    365957738.561: AdventureCompendiumUI::PopulateWildernessList: Populate wilderness list in progress.
    More from same session:
    365958347.474: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Spell_CasterMaxLevelModifier) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
    365958347.929: 0x700253A4: info: Tried to override skinned pose for animated entity but it's pose animation data ID property (for either mesh combining or imposter generation) was not set properly.
    365958348.041: 0x700253A8: info: Tried to override skinned pose for animated entity but it's pose animation data ID property (for either mesh combining or imposter generation) was not set properly.
    365958348.234: 0x700253A0: info: Tried to override skinned pose for animated entity but it's pose animation data ID property (for either mesh combining or imposter generation) was not set properly.
    365958348.321: 0x700253AB: info: Tried to override skinned pose for animated entity but it's pose animation data ID property (for either mesh combining or imposter generation) was not set properly.
    365958355.798: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Spell_CasterMaxLevelModifier) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
    Last edited by Deathdefy; 11-10-2017 at 10:07 PM.
    Khyber: Aggrim (Completionist!)
    In Von 3 the breakables in the Troll Ambassador optional room are slow to get to and unnecessary for ransack.
    Blind insta-kills floating eye balls.

  2. #2
    Community Member
    Join Date
    May 2012


    I have now tried a different computer on a different connection and experienced the same issue so I don't think it's my end.

    Here is my dndclient.log from today:

    000000000.000: Initializing client - build version is [2600.0046.5783.4116.RELEASE] 
    000000000.000: Initializing the global event handler...
    000000000.000: Creating trigger schedulers...
    000000000.000: Initializing the network...
    000000000.000: Initializing the cache...
    000000000.000: CLCache::Init: called.
    000000000.000: LookForFile trying cwd
    000000000.000: Is_File_Here found 'client_general.dat' in 'C:/Program Files (x86)/Turbine/Dungeons & Dragons Online'
      datfile "client_general.dat" stamped with datpack versions eng:112, game:3,
      executable supporting datpack versions eng:-1, game: -1.
      datfile "client_highres.dat" stamped with datpack versions eng:112, game:3,
      executable supporting datpack versions eng:-1, game: -1.
      datfile "client_gamelogic.dat" stamped with datpack versions eng:112, game:3,
      executable supporting datpack versions eng:-1, game: -1.
      datfile "client_anim.dat" stamped with datpack versions eng:112, game:3,
      executable supporting datpack versions eng:-1, game: -1.
      datfile "client_mesh.dat" stamped with datpack versions eng:112, game:3,
      executable supporting datpack versions eng:-1, game: -1.
      datfile "client_sound.dat" stamped with datpack versions eng:112, game:3,
      executable supporting datpack versions eng:-1, game: -1.
      datfile "client_surface.dat" stamped with datpack versions eng:112, game:3,
      executable supporting datpack versions eng:-1, game: -1.
      datfile "client_cell_1.dat" stamped with datpack versions eng:112, game:0,
      executable supporting datpack versions eng:-1, game: -1.
      datfile "client_map_1.dat" stamped with datpack versions eng:112, game:0,
      executable supporting datpack versions eng:-1, game: -1.
      datfile "client_cell_2.dat" stamped with datpack versions eng:112, game:0,
      executable supporting datpack versions eng:-1, game: -1.
      datfile "client_map_2.dat" stamped with datpack versions eng:112, game:0,
      executable supporting datpack versions eng:-1, game: -1.
      datfile "client_local_English.dat" stamped with datpack versions eng:112, game:3,
      executable supporting datpack versions eng:-1, game: -1.
    000000000.000: Initializing display with title 'Dungeons and Dragons Online'...
    000000000.000: Device_WIN32::Init: called.
    000000000.000: Device_WIN32::InitDEVICE|  Detected operating system: Windows 7
    000000000.000: Initializing the smartbox...
    000000000.000: Initializing the user interface...
    000000000.000: Client ready
    000000008.221: Client::Connect() async logon begun.
    000000008.867: GlobalEventHandler::RecvEvt_DisplayStringInfo: Validating credentials...
    366033493.491: GlobalEventHandler::RecvEvt_DisplayStringInfo: Loading subscription data...
    366033493.491: GlobalEventHandler::RecvEvt_DisplayStringInfo: Loading character data...
    366033493.619: GlobalEventHandler::RecvEvt_WorldName: Khyber
    366033493.942: Client: Flushing database after DDD
    366033494.264: GlobalEventHandler::RecvEvt_DisplayStringInfo: Receiving character data...
    366033500.122: GlobalEventHandler::RecvEvt_CharSet: called.
    366033517.219: GlobalEventHandler::RecvEvt_PlayerSessionStart_ServerToClient: player: 0x02130000002A79D2
    366033517.219: CObjectMaint::RecvNotice_SetPlayerIDplayer: 0x02130000002A79D2
    366033517.412: QuestData::RecvNotice_LoginFinished: Requesting patron data from login (The return of this will request the quest information!)...
    366033521.060: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: static scenery and landscape is loaded.
    366033521.060: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: waiting no more than 10.00 seconds for dynamic objects to load.
    366033522.096: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: dynamics finished loading in 1.04 seconds.
    366033522.096: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: calling ECM_Physics::SendNotice_PlayerReadyToEnterWorld.
    366033522.096: SmartBox::Render: calling ECM_Physics::SendNotice_NextFrameDrawn.
    366033523.264: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Title) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
    366033523.890: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Title) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
    366033524.083: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Combat_WeaponType) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
    366033525.117: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Title) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
    366033544.996: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Feat.InnateAttack@Feat::m_nAttackLevel) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
    366033544.996: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Effect.InnateAttack@Agent::m_nAttackLevel) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
    366033634.253: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Title) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
    366033640.159: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Title) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
    366033641.951: QuestData::RecvNotice_GetPatronRanks: We have the patron data, now we need quest records...
    366033643.750: QuestData::RecvNotice_GetAllDungeonQuestRecords: We have recieved the quest records...
    366033643.750: QuestData::RecvNotice_GetAllDungeonQuestRecords: Calling out to populate the adventure compendium...
    366033643.750: AdventureCompendiumUI::RecvNotice_PopulateAdventureCompendium: Adventure Compendium notice received
    366033643.750: AdventureCompendiumUI::PopulateQuestList: Populate quest list in progress.
    366033643.750: AdventureCompendiumUI::PopulateChallengeList: Populate challenge list in progress.
    366033643.750: AdventureCompendiumUI::PopulateWildernessList: Populate wilderness list in progress.
    366033643.750: AdventureCompendiumUI::PopulatePatronList: Populate patron list in progress.
    366033690.674: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Spell_CasterMaxLevelModifier) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
    366033707.443: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Feat.InnateAttack@Feat::m_nAttackLevel) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
    366033707.443: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Effect.InnateAttack@Agent::m_nAttackLevel) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
    366033720.147: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Spell_CasterMaxLevelModifier) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
    366033752.654: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Spell_CasterMaxLevelModifier) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
    366033754.063: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Title) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
    366033754.725: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Spell_CasterMaxLevelModifier) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
    366033754.725: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Action_IsFastSpell) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
    366033755.972: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Action_IsFastSpell) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
    366033756.911: SmartBox::PlayerTeleportation_PositionEventReceived: stamp: 28
    366033756.968: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Feat.InnateAttack@Feat::m_nAttackLevel) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
    366033756.968: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Effect.InnateAttack@Agent::m_nAttackLevel) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
    366033758.121: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: static scenery and landscape is loaded.
    366033758.121: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: waiting no more than 10.00 seconds for dynamic objects to load.
    366033758.306: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: dynamics finished loading in 0.19 seconds.
    366033758.306: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: calling ECM_Physics::SendNotice_PlayerReadyToEnterWorld.
    366033758.306: SmartBox::Render: calling ECM_Physics::SendNotice_NextFrameDrawn.
    366033760.130: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Spell_CasterMaxLevelModifier) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
    366033760.187: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Appearance.Mod@Pet::m_fColorShift_Driven) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
    366033760.187: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Creature_Traits) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
    366033760.187: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Death@Agent.m_iDeathAnimation) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
    366033767.340: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Render_AlwaysSelectable) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
    366033773.450: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Av_Skin_Base_Color) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
    366033778.845: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Spell_CasterMaxLevelModifier) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
    366033782.686: SmartBox::PlayerTeleportation_PositionEventReceived: stamp: 29
    366033783.311: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: static scenery and landscape is loaded.
    366033783.311: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: we are not waiting on any dyanamics.
    366033783.311: SmartBox::UpdatePlayer: calling ECM_Physics::SendNotice_PlayerReadyToEnterWorld.
    366033783.311: SmartBox::Render: calling ECM_Physics::SendNotice_NextFrameDrawn.
    366033796.057: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Spell_CasterMaxLevelModifier) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
    366033802.645: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Spell_CasterMaxLevelModifier) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
    366033808.702: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Spell_CasterMaxLevelModifier) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
    366033810.909: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Spell_CasterMaxLevelModifier) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
    366033812.779: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Spell_CasterMaxLevelModifier) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
    366033816.804: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Spell_CasterMaxLevelModifier) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
    366033827.222: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Spell_CasterMaxLevelModifier) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
    366033831.153: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Spell_CasterMaxLevelModifier) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
    366033833.921: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Spell_CasterMaxLevelModifier) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
    366033835.287: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Spell_CasterMaxLevelModifier) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
    366033836.460: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Spell_CasterMaxLevelModifier) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
    366033837.872: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Spell_CasterMaxLevelModifier) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
    366033841.780: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Spell_CasterMaxLevelModifier) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
    366033843.509: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Spell_CasterMaxLevelModifier) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
    366033844.972: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Spell_CasterMaxLevelModifier) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
    366033846.085: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Spell_CasterMaxLevelModifier) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
    366033847.390: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Spell_CasterMaxLevelModifier) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
    366033851.572: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Spell_CasterMaxLevelModifier) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
    366033854.175: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Spell_CasterMaxLevelModifier) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
    366033855.186: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Spell_CasterMaxLevelModifier) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
    366033866.578: Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (Spell_CasterMaxLevelModifier) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.
    Again, the tons of 'Attempting to set a NetSharedVisually or NetSharedPrivately property (BLAH) on the client. This is not allowed, because these are server-authorative.' errors between 366033522 and 366033541 are what I think the issue is. These also reappear later in the log, again probably coinciding with this issue happening again.

    Ooh; and I just checked email and there is an SSG response which I'll now follow through via that channel. Will update with happy resolution hopefully sometime soon.

  3. #3
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2010


    Sorry to hear you are having this problem, Aggrim. A few of us were talking about it in channel last night and made some suggestions to Space for him to pass along to you.

    My guess was some update of your OS, AV software/firewall or the client itself is now interfering with communication between your computer and the game server. It could be way off, but what you are reporting sounds like something I read about here on the forums a while back and checking security settings solved it.

    Anyway, good luck with it. If our ideas didn't help, then hopefully what you heard back from SSG will.

    Take care.

  4. #4
    Community Member Deathdefy's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    Default Fixed!

    For those curious, I finally actually fixed this today (I can play without issue anyway so that'll do)!

    So, the 'fix' was to use a VPN. I appreciate that's a stop-gap, but whatever. I've never had issues with my ISP before and only tried on a whim.

    Thanks to everyone who dragged me through quests and listened to me complaining - you know who you are!
    Khyber: Aggrim (Completionist!)
    In Von 3 the breakables in the Troll Ambassador optional room are slow to get to and unnecessary for ransack.
    Blind insta-kills floating eye balls.

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