Just as it sounds. Every Friday or saturaday night from 7 or 8 pm Est until Whenever we want to end.
1) Do not zerg. This includes but is not limited to starting a quest before the party is ready. Going ahead. Etc.
2) No outside items. The only items allowed are anything from Vendors, anything we get from quests. No Ah, Hand me downs, Etc.
3) No leveling outside of the group/Doing quests outside of the group. Solo quests can be done at any time.
4) Since No outside items are allowed, loot should be dispersed between party.
5) Please be able to access a mic.
6) Please inform me if you will not be able to attend. we all have in real life issues.
7) Our main source of communication is Discord. Please use it.
8) Inappropriate behavior will not be tolerated. This includes Sexual harassment.
9) Ship buffs from a different guild is not allowed.
We will strive to have
1 cleric
1 trapper
2 Dps
1 Caster
other 1 does not matter
We will start at level 1. we will do ever quest we can on Reaper 1 or higher.
Starting as soon as possible. When we have a viable group.
This will be done on Orien.
Please post here, or pm m, or Dm me on discord at Valor#5010 if you are Interested.