I'm sure this has been suggested before, but now with Night Revels starting to wrap up, it's forefront on my mind once again. (mostly because of the vast amount of chocolate I have and spending them on consumables/potions).
Scrolls and Potions can only stack up to 100 in one slot. For some this may be fine, with revisiting your bank when you're stock gets low (and/or switching to storage alts to transfer a few at a time when the need arises). But wait (one may ask) how/why do you have so many potions/scrolls? I like to be able to help my friends I group with with some extra versatility, so I keep a collection of useful scrolls on me. For the potions, there are a few valuable ones great for personal use, and with the Night Revels pots (deathward, restoration, oils of incandescence, etc), and trading in the insane number of chocolates I have for them, space is becoming an issue once more (especially with chocolate being able to stack into piles of 10,000. That one stack is worth 1000 DW pots, which turns the one inventory space of chocolate into 10 inventory slots for the pots). Hirelings have a contract folder. Collectables, ingredients, gems, and augments all have their own bags (really wish the augment bag had a search bar though). I would love to be able to open up some more inventory space by being able to consolidate scrolls and potions into a scroll case and a potion box or somesuch.
I wold pay for such storage devices if they were store exclusive as well.
Heck, a Wand Bag would be sweet as well.
Of course, this will also make QoL better when looting, as those random scrolls/potions/wands one finds really take up space (and it's not always possible/acceptable to do inventory management between every quest). Newly found scrolls/pots simply go into the case/box.
Though using one would require it to be out of the case/box/bag, but at least moving it from the case/box/bag into your backpack for use is much more manageable to do mid-quest.