I created the guild SparePartz just for my personal use over 4 years ago. I have been playing DDO since 2010 and have been a VIP from the start. I have 14 characters "Toons" that I rotate through, most of which have been TR'd multiple times. The Guild is level 49 and the ship is a Daedalean Kraken (26 holds and 7 state rooms). I play a few times a week, mostly solo joining the odd PUG now and then. I don't know too many raids because of this, but know most quests quite well.

After such a long solo voyage, I am looking to take on a few members into the guild. Ideally 3-5 members only.

Player Type: Casual (laid back) players who don't take the game or themselves too seriously - Any level of membership is fine. I would prefer mature players (over 18 years) or equivalent in their game play; foul language may slip out from time to time. Players looking for a ship for buffs someone to run with from time to time but don't want to be part of a large guild.

Experience Level: Newbies to Veteran players are welcome. I can help as a guide from time to time for newbies, but most of my toons are between levels levels 8 to 23 right now.

How to Join: Simplest way is to go to the guild site (just created) and complete an application. This is not meant to be formal, just the simplest way for me to manage the process. Alternatively, if you see me online (any one with SparePartz as guild is me) send me a tell and I will reply back. Right now I am working on leveling a toon called "Poniegirl".

See you in the Game,
