It is quite simple if you do a quest and you get bravery bonus I don't get why you don't get full reaper experience.
I just want a system that is consistent and easy to understand.
The rule for bravery bonus is already not very easy to understand.
At level 1-19 you get bravery bonus if you do a quest at normal level +2
At lvl 20 you get bravery bonus if you do a quest at normal level +3
At quest level 21 or higher you get bravery bonus if you do a quest at normal level +4
All I want is no reaper experience penalty if you do a quest with bravery bonus.
This would make it easier to open groups for 100% reaper experience.
Currently, the worst case if you try to open a group for a level 20 epic quest.
Only players with exactly level 20 can join you in this quests.
If anyone joins you with level 23 the whole group gets -70% reaper experience but still full bravery bonus.
This makes just no sense at all!
I really don't understand why the reaper experience is suddenly doubled for lvl 30+ quests.
There you get now just plain more reaper experience without any reason.
But to make reaper experience consistent with the current bravery bonus system is just logically and basically self-evident.
I don't get why it is not like this!
And by the way, it would be even better if you give only bravery bonus and full reaper experience if you do a quest at the quest level and this means the normal level +2.
Because this makes the most sense in my opinion.