Have noticed arti runearms getting more difficult to acquire. How about making more of them available, maybe a vendor for rune arms of basic variety ie. force, acid, cold bolt, fire shot, electric whip.
Have noticed arti runearms getting more difficult to acquire. How about making more of them available, maybe a vendor for rune arms of basic variety ie. force, acid, cold bolt, fire shot, electric whip.
Thelanis: Drowmon, Dwapal, Elvran, Gnowar, Halcle, Helart, Helwiz, Horfig, Humdru, Sunnsett, Wafoar, Wardrakni
Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.
Zerg me once, you go to the Ignore/Squelch list. Zerg me twice won't happen.