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  1. #1
    Community Member vryxnr's Avatar
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    Sep 2013

    Default Deathwyrm broke :(

    Was shortmanning Temple of the Deathwyrm tonight, and it broke badly. Did it 3 days ago and everything was fine... but tonight? oh man!

    First sign of trouble was in the Combat Tower. All the enemies followed us down to the phylactery when we goth the aura. While it was funny having skellies literally rain down upon us, it was a terrible sign of things to come. I did discover that if you gain the purple aura while standing inside the phylactery shield, you will not be able to use it to lower the shield. I ran out and back in to no avail, and had to wait for it to explode on me instead.

    Because we were shortmanning it, we used the tactic of dropping the Kuldjargh off the ledge to get them out of the way (could not afford a kiter or hanging off to the side the whole time). Sadly, Auggie went flying down along with them!

    I thought it was fixed a while ago that she would not be able to leave the top level.

    But tonight, she was trapped on the level below. One of us was fairly new to the raid, so I was teaching along with shortmanning, so we kept at it so that he could get a handle of everything that needed to be done (noting that Auggie should never be down there, obviously). We basically completed the raid. All wards were lit, and the only thing left to do was to kill Auggie on the rocks and pull the two levers... but alas, she could not get to the rocks as she was stuck on the level below us.

    I had a ticket in the whole time, but then the "servers are going to restart" warning popped up, so we had to abandon ship. (I got help at these wee hours of the night before, though I can't recall if that was a weekend of weekday).

    I really hope the restart and update fixes whatever went wrong so we can do it again tomorrow and actually get our completion and mats. Whatever got switched on/off today before the restart really bugged The Temple of the Deathwyrm out. :/

    But if not, this is the warning: it's acting up once again and Auggie is falling of ledges she's not supposed to, breaking the raid/making it impossible to complete.

    *heavy sigh*

  2. #2
    Community Member vryxnr's Avatar
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    My in game ticket was closed while the servers were down for maintenance and patches. I was told this is not an issue In-Game support can deal with. I've had In-Game support respawn and move about enemies that have vanished and moved to areas they are not supposed to be before, so either this GM was referring to a permanent fix that only the Devs can do, or was referring to the fact that the servers were down when he looked at my ticket and couldn't access the game to find me?

    Either way, I'm gong to go back in soon (solo) to see if this issue still persists (getting the combat tower route should be far enough to show me if it is or not). I will report the results once I have them.

    (and yes, I've bug reported this as well)

  3. #3
    Community Member vryxnr's Avatar
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    At the combat tower route, and thankfully the enemies are not jumping off the tower anymore. Haven't gone into the end fight yet, but this is a good sign at least.

    I'm really hoping this was a glitch/bug related to the upcoming server downtime. Perhaps something involved with prepping them before shutting them down? I also heard that some of the changes in the patch notes went live before the servers actually went down, so perhaps turning them on early caused it?

    Either way, seems to be working properly now.

    *nervously knocks on wood*

    edit: but while i'm here talking about Deathwyrm... I've noticed the last few runs that the music randomly cuts off and starts over again, like, in the middle of the track it stops and starts over. Most recently I was only about 5 seconds into the track when it cut itself off and started over. I wasn't moving at the time either, it just did it on it's own. Anyone else notice this or is my compy doing strange things with the game?
    Last edited by vryxnr; 10-25-2017 at 05:22 PM.

  4. #4
    Community Member vryxnr's Avatar
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    Sep 2013


    Update the next:

    Seems it got fixed to the extreme. Now, despite various techniques, I cannot get the Kuldjargh to fall down at all. Their charge stops at the ledge, once there they do not try charging anymore, they walk around the corners or go straight to ranged if you try to jump across a gap to lure a charge over that gap, and they switch to ranged attacks immediately upon hanging off the ledge of going off yourself.

    While I'm glad Auggie can no longer (apparently, for now at least) fall off, I am slightly saddened that the Kulls can't now either. It's one less option for how to deal with the end fight (and makes shortmanning it significantly more difficult). Though I do prefer this over the risk of Auggie falling off, as that basically ends the raid (in a loss) then and there.

    Though this is just my initial observations at this point from one run today.
    Last edited by vryxnr; 10-25-2017 at 08:31 PM.

  5. #5
    Community Member MIvan's Avatar
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    Temple of the Deathwyrm bugged another way:
    We got stuck at the last mirror part as we was unable to start the light.

    Edit: There was a helmed horror way up in the sky. After we killed it, the light was up.
    Last edited by MIvan; 12-23-2017 at 06:23 PM.

  6. #6
    Community Member
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    Last edited by blerkington; 12-24-2017 at 05:40 AM.

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