The old monk
Shining star
Finishing Move: earth, wind, fire
60 sec ottos
Funky monk attack

The Trembling Earth
Combination: Earth - Earth - Earth
10 Ki.
The attack has +2 critical multiplier, and the victim is unable to cast spells for 30 seconds.
Fortitude save negates.

The Gathering Storm
Combination: Air - Air - Air
10 Ki.
The target's ability to "land attacks" is reduced for 30 seconds. -3 on attack rolls.
Undead appear to be immune. Fortitude save negates.

The Raging Sea
Combination: Water - Water - Water
10 Ki.
The enemy's attacks are slowed for 30 seconds.
Fortitude save negates.

Breath of the Fire Dragon
Combination: Fire - Fire - Fire
10 Ki.
A cone of searing flame shoots forth, damaging targets in the area of the flames for 1d6 damage per Monk level.
A successful Reflex save (DC 10 + Monk Level + Wisdom Modifier) reduces the damage by half.
This movement, which mimics Burning Hands, is very useful when attempting to open damageable doors that require more Strength than the monk has at hand (even in Fire Stance).
Scales with 200% Melee Power

Path of Harmonious Balance Finishers
Healing Ki I
Combination: Light - Light - Light
10 Ki.
You heal all nearby allies for 1d4 plus 1d4 per monk level.
Does not harm undead foes.
Healing Ki is greatly augmented by Recovery enhancements of the player character, such as Monk Improved Recovery, is boosted by 1% per point in the Heal skill, and is magnified by any Devotion or Potency effect. Healing Ki affects any allied player, including NPCs.

Grasp the Earth Dragon
Combination: Earth - Light - Earth
10 Ki.
Nearby allies become immune to daze, stun, and sleep for 60 seconds.

Dance of Clouds
Combination: Air - Light - Air
10 Ki.
Nearby allies gain 20% concealment for 60 seconds.
While this blur-like ability is much shorter, it cannot be dispelled, as with other monk buffs. Unlike some spell buffs, a monk's buffs can blur NPCs.

Aligning the Heavens
Combination: Water - Light - Water
10 Ki.
Nearby allies gain a 25% reduction in spell point costs for 60 seconds.
This is a favorite move asked by experienced spell casters before buffing others at the start of a quest.

Walk of the Sun
Combination: Fire - Light - Fire
10 Ki.
Nearby allies gain a +2 untyped bonus to attack, saves, and skills for 60 seconds.
Remember that helpful monk buffs such as this can not be dispelled by enemy spell casters, including beholders.

This is the forgotten monk
Special ki attacks and finishers
But they're not used anymore.
Auto attack is better.
I don't know if this will get monk nerfed more, but from my experience, what is needed, is to make the ki moves do more damage. It should be like a spike in my auto attack damage, but I see no difference. And considering you have to click on these attacks, you lose time from just auto attack. So I don't think it's a nerf that is needed, but a boost to ki attacks.
Like doubling the base damage of strikes, and having it scale 200% with melee power. Because you gotta cycle them. And there has to be some reason to use ki. Otherwise you have a full bar with nothing to use it on. Because auto attack superceeds.
Ok the breakdown would be on earth.
At 4 it does 16 + acid damage on crit. With wraps at 18-20. That's only 15%. So it harly figures. But if it was doubled to 32, then x2 for melee power. Say a 30 build with +100 damage and 150mp. That would be 32+100 x4 or about 500. That's 50 above auto attack numbers. Because remember running duality is 14 d6+3 or about 100. That's way higher than even a doubled earth strike. So the only thing to offset it would be double the melee power. To spike it. At least you should Notice it.
Because the alternative is to nerf monk damage even more. But they've stripped two handed damage from duality, they've nerfed melee power, and they've removed the core w from heroics. So there ain't much left to give. Dance of flowers, and reinforced fists. And they better not mess with those. So the monk is gutted. It's reached rock bottom and the auto attack is still better than using ki strikes.
Anyways that's what I've been thinking about. What would it take for me to use ki strikes.
Then there's these,
Elemental Ki Strikes: Select one of four attacks that have secondary aftereffects: (Activation Cost: 5 Ki. Cooldown: 3 seconds)

Eagle Claw Attack: Fire Ki Melee Attack: Your attacks can shatter objects. You strike at weak points in your opponents armor or hide, dealing +2[W] damage and apply four stacks of Armor Destruction. (Each stack reduces Armor Class by 1 and Fortification by 1% for 20 seconds. This effect can stack up to 15 times.)

Fists of Iron: Earth Ki Melee Attack: You have imbued your attacks with extra force. Performs a melee attack with +3[W] damage, +1 critical threat range, and +1 Critical Damage Multiplier.

Knock on the Sky: Air Ki Melee Attack: You strike your opponent, deflecting their momentum. Performs a melee attack with +1[W] damage, and your enemy deals 4% less physical damage for 30 seconds. This effect can stack up to 5 times.

Unbalancing Strike: Water Ki Melee Attack: You have learned several joint strikes. You can attack these weak points of your opponent, dealing +3[w] and throwing them off balance for a short period of time. This reduces their armor class by 2, applies a -10 penalty to their Balance skill, and renders them vulnerable to sneak attacks. A successful Reflex save negates this effect (DC 10 + Half Monk Level + Wisdom modifier + Trip modifiers). The target receives periodic saves to attempt to break free of this effect.

These ki attacks are actually worthy strikes. Well at least a couple of them are. Boss debuffs mostly. But I've had two in the past, on the henshin, and I think on the old Shintao, but I've just been using one, earth strike, to test dps with. And as far as I can tell its not worth the time it takes. Auto attack is 450, and even with +3w and crit mult I don't see the spike. I even tested it on the dummy and it wasn't greater. So I don't know what to say. All monks special ki attacks are not really worth it. So there's not much in being a finisher.
But that's all I could conclude. To double the base damage and increase the multiplier. Only way to get spike over base damage. Now see the problem is duality being a weighted die. They really screwed up when they weighted the ravenloft weapons. But I guess they can't go back now.
Idk, maybe this measures differently in heroics. Now that it's nerfed and monk are doing 1d6 for wraps on, maybe the ki attacks might be a trade. Maybe Tilo can test this. Haha. But I'm problably not going to. Of course a 30 maxxed build may not be the measuring stick, but I think we tried to tell them that. But they built it. They made the loot and made all the past lives stack. Now they've walked it back to a skeleton of its former self.
But like I said, we are too close to reaper cap. Ppl are playing r8 now for dailys. So reaper has played out, and they are trying to reign it in. Reaper nerf.