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  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2010

    Default Earthquake saving throw changed?

    I was cleaning up Wheloon today to finish my monthly ETR+RR cycle, and the Shadar-Kai Assassins started saving my earthquake. Quite often - maybe 50% of time. Yesterday only certain champions stood up to my earthquake, and as far as I know, they're immune to knockdowns. Reapers and other mobs stayed down as usual.

    Alarmed by increase in healing requirements, I looked into my earthquake spell, and I noticed that it shows up as FORT save. Wiki agrees that it is supposed to be REF save.

    Has anyone similar experience? Has the tooltip always shown up as FORT save, or is it just me having delusions?

  2. #2
    Ultimate Completionist
    2014 DDO Players Council
    Open Guild for All Founder - Hardcore

    Join Date
    Nov 2009


    What goes up was probably planned as the raid for the Wheloon expansion, and for whatever reason was changed into a quest.
    As such, one expects more difficulty.

    Earthquake is a ref save regardless of typos saying otherwise.

    Rogue base monsters such as listed above have higher than normal ref saving throws.

    I have encountered difficulty in the past getting these monsters to drop and stay down.

    Nerve Venom = Shirdai % to paralyze
    Legendary Greensteel Salt = super slow foes
    Mantle of the Icy Soul = ref debuff, slow effect
    Sleet Storm = blinds and slows foes (FoM your party)
    Twist in Magistar Evocation Augmentation (tier 3) for ref debuff
    Twist in Magistar and Draconic +Evocation DC
    Craft Heroic Greensteel Solid Fog & Cloudkill clickes

    Things that might not help, but you could try anyway:
    Scroll cast Glitterdust, Hypnotic Pattern or Grease.

    Also try running away focusing on objectives as these mobs continuously spawn.

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