The Night Revels event begins on Thursday.
Have fun, and don't forget to gather for buffs!
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Is it just me, or is there no night revels with the new update? Did I misread something?
Proud member of the ArchAngels guild, Thelanis.
Policegirl Killz, Porklord Meatfield, Pilfering Pirate.
Same old thing update downloads went fine still wondering when I will be able to get back into the game SSG suggestions were no help as of so far. Get the same thing- Getting in line to connect. Computer shows some action for a few moments then nothing.
Patch notes as presented indicate Night Revels going live today with the patch. Alas, it's not going live until Thursday as indicated by dev posts HERE.
*grumbles something negative about communication*
edit: and now in this thread finally (got ninja'ed while i was typing this reply). I REALLY wish this was mentioned in the patch notes or elsewhere prominent for us before a bunch of people made plans around it.
Last edited by vryxnr; 10-17-2017 at 02:08 PM.