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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Arrow IF THEY ONLY HAD A HEART: Scarecrow Hireling in Ravenloft What would you like to see?

    Just saw the 'Mists of Ravenloft' Preview from Friday's Livestream, The Permanent Hireling Scarecrow of 10th 7 30th level look good cosmetically.
    When Host Cordovan was asked by chat what the Class of these hires might be He replied that it was yet to be determined but it appeared they
    may be Fighter Class as other pre-existing Permanent Hirelings. I thought the Scarecrow might suggest a different class & many players will have
    them in every Character's Inventory ever after. So I had a couple of Ideas that you can consider or Offer your own too.

    Scarecrow looks like a Construct to me (Sorry Fleshies)

    More of a Rouge than Brawler - Big Back Stabber / Evasion / Dexy oh so Dexy

    A Bluff Clickie (Like the Owlbear Intimidate)

    A high Spot (not a lock Pick or Trap monkey) Gives warning as a normal Temp Hire _I think it could be cool if it did a little dance to get our attention
    or when Bluffing

    Small chance to put Deception effect on combat target.

    These may be to much to implement in A.I. that has been problematic
    Yet the 10th level Scarecrow could be more viable in Heroic

  2. #2
    FreeDeeOh PsychoBlonde's Avatar
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    The Scarecrow is short a brain. It's the Tin Man who is lacking a heart.

    I'd kind of like them to act like a zombie that throws occasional debuffs, preferably fear.
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  3. #3
    Community Member Hobgoblin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PsychoBlonde View Post
    The Scarecrow is short a brain. It's the Tin Man who is lacking a heart.

    I'd kind of like them to act like a zombie that throws occasional debuffs, preferably fear.
    preferably the mummy type paralyzing fear

  4. #4
    Community Member Annex's Avatar
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    Decapitate and Detonate: Your scarecrow rips off its head and throws it at the target. The head detonates at the point of impact in the manner of a Meteoric Star Ruby. Alternately, the Scarecrow throws pumpkin bombs with the same effect.

    Grim Guardian: You summon your scarecrow to your position. The scarecrow immediately raises its arms and poses just like a mundane field scarecrow, acting as a noisemaker trap and attracting nearby monsters to its position. If the owner of the scarecrow sustains damage, the scarecrow reanimates and attacks.

    Horrific Harvest: Your scarecrow attempts to skewer one target with its pitchfork. On a Vorpal strike, a living target with 1,000 hit points or less turns to straw and collapses, becoming a heap of reaped grain.

    Malevolent Murder: Your scarecrow summons a murder of crows that fly about and harry a single target. For thirty seconds, the target suffers penalties similar to those caused by a dungeon Red Alert.

    Terrible Visage: Your scarecrow tears off its face. Every creature in front of and looking at the Scarecrow must save versus the equivalent of an unusually potent Fear spell. This works much like a Medusa's petrification gaze.

  5. #5
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    Default Indeed.

    Quote Originally Posted by PsychoBlonde View Post
    The Scarecrow is short a brain. It's the Tin Man who is lacking a heart.

    I'd kind of like them to act like a zombie that throws occasional debuffs, preferably fear.

    Fear is excellent.
    Clickies are also a possibility, with the 'Mists' of Ravenloft perhaps Fog (ist level Cleric spell -weak, yes-) for 10th level Scarecrow & Solid Fog (4th level arcane spell - nice for 30th level, yes-) for 30th level Scarecrow. Or blur buff, or fear on contact attack.

    I also like a Sap combat Clickie, very strong 120 sec cool down or so.

    While I haven't mentioned it -It appears our Scarecrow should be vulnerable to fire.

  6. #6
    Community Member DYWYPI's Avatar
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    If the DDO Developers' wanted to be controversial; I'd suspect they'd make the Scarecrow into a Warlock Hireling. However, on Lamannia it just attempted to savagely rake at opponents bodies with its claws like it was possessed by a savage Owlbear.

  7. #7
    FreeDeeOh PsychoBlonde's Avatar
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    When it's killed, it should start ticking, then blow up. Then revive.
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