Today at 02:16
Thank you for your inquiry. I apologize, but I am unable to assist with the issue you have described. To obtain assistance with your issue, please contact our In-Game Support team via the "New Ticket" button found on the bottom of the Help Menu panel within the game.
If this button is not listed then your account is not currently eligible for In Game assistance. You can obtain eligibility by becoming a VIP member or through the purchase of DDO Points. Please note that if your current subscription plan is Free-to-Play, access to the In-Game Support team is limited. We recommend that you inquire with other players in the general chat channels and/or submit a Bug Report to our Quality Assurance department for review. Remember that bug reports do not receive a response unless additional information is required, and this is not an avenue for you to contact us for immediate assistance.
Upon receipt of your request, the In Game Support team will contact you through the in-game chat interface and provide further assistance for this issue.
Thank you,
Standing Stone Games Customer Support
Today at 02:50
The button described takes me right here back.
Today at 02:52
And I am not free to play mode for years now...