Wa bam
The staff of Aureon
LN dragonborn
War domain
14/6 cleric monk
Str 16
Dex 12
Con 14
Int 10
Wis 16?*+5
Cha 16
+6 tomes
+2 complete
1 cleric thf, aureon
2 cleric war domain
3 monk stunning fist
Feat completionist
4 monk dodge
5 monk light path
6 cleric pa
7-9 cleric empower heal
10-12 cleric extend
13-15 cleric ic blunt
16 cleric
17 monk
18 cleric quicken, holy sword
19-20 monk
Skills Umd, heal, jump
32 radiant aura
26 henshin, 20 mp
4 warpriest, DM
18 free
This will be my second db life, for +1 cha
I wanted to do a sorc
I wanted to do a cleric s&b
I wanted to do a pure nuker cleric
But I hear exotic isn't working in war domain
So my bastard sword khopesh killer wasn't going to work
And I didn't want a mad monk on a cleric
And I didn't think the nuker could solo, and would be needing groups, at a time where lfms are down
And I love me a electric sorc on db,
But I got all the gear for monks, specifically henshin
And I wanted something that would do some dps, and heal
And I wanted to test cleric
So I settled on my version 2.0 of wa bam
It'll do fine for heroic
Not a trapper tho...
But will have evasion
A radiant staff user
And I'll get to test out holy sword on staff and wraps
And play a cleric
Will post build notes