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  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2010

    Default Raidant Servant/Warpriest Build

    I have a question that I've been wondering about since today. Would Raidant Servant/Warpriest mix well with healing and extra protection (something rather) combined? Just something like a non-combat healer, and I'm just looking for some helpful advice.

  2. #2
    Community Member DrWily's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2013


    Sort of. Something I see a lot with RS/WP splits is PosAura + Sacred Touch for what is basically permanent +3 AC & PRR to you and anyone near you. Otherwise they don't provide that much synergy with each other aside from you have PosAura and you are somewhat tankier than someone who doesn't invest in their WP tree.

    WP really needs an overhaul.

  3. #3
    Community Member Eryhn's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2012


    I think if you were to invest in warpriest more earnestly the only worthwhile goody (a relatively cheap tier2 10PRR excluded) is ameliorating strike, which lends itself more to a melee oriented healer.

    if the goal is to be a tanky healer, adding some pally levels for saves and a tier4 in defender tree seems far more rewarding than looking for tankiness in warpriest.

    even when going more offensive melee healer I personally prefer the points available for defender over spending 22 AP on ameliorating strike.

    ameliorating may be worth a thought on a 2WF perhaps, but; again, getting at least the basic defender stance would be nice addition worth the multiclass.
    the minimal AP spread is 32 AP radiant, 22 warpriest, leaving the rest to distribute between racial (human hamp? 3AP) potentially divine might for some close combat option (4AP) and defender tree

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