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Thread: LGS Ender Set

  1. #1
    Community Member majorhavoc's Avatar
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    Mar 2006

    Default LGS Ender Set

    I have a nearly maxed out Warlock (111 of 123 Max TRs)
    I have been working on an LGS Ender set for a very long time, am only 10-15 more runs to complete the set.

    My question for all of you is what is the best application of an ender set on a Warlock?
    Does Ender have a chance to proc on all 4 hits from chain blast from TS, will it proc on all targets in cone blast from SE, or all targets in aura from ES?
    Or would a Necro Loc build be better?
    Is there anything that effect the proc rate or effects the proc DCs?

    Any insight and or suggestions would be nice

    P.S. It looks like it may be possible to have both 5 peace ender set & 5 piece Slavers set & the same time.

    Goggle Legendary Green Steal
    Helm Legendary Pansophic Circlet
    Necklace Legendary Slave Lords 17 Chr 27 Force crit 6 spell focus +4 Q Char
    Trinket Litany of the Dead -
    Cloak Legendary Green Steal
    Belt Legendary Slave Lords 68 Life 27 Fire crit 22 Heal +4 Q Con
    Ring 1 Legendary Slave Lords 381 Wizardry 27 Light crit 22 Skill SC +5 Q Skill SC
    Glove Legendary Green Steal
    Boots Legendary Green Steal
    Ring 2 Legendary Spinneret
    Bracers Legendary Green Steal
    Weapon 1 Legendary Green Steal +15 Con, +7 ins Chr, +2 Excep Chr.
    Weapon 2 Legendary Mutilator of Minds
    Armor Robe of the Celestial Sage

  2. #2
    Community Member Phil7's Avatar
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    Nov 2011


    Yes it is possible to have 5 lgs items and 5 slavers, I know a lot of players on Cannith who run like that with their lvl 30 parked warlocks.
    Imo ender set is better on a shiradi spammer and I don't know if it procs on XYZ hit from eldritch blast because I don't have an Ender set myself and I'm not interested in crafting one. The current meta does not require one and on R10 it is useless apart from tanks, which I won't play because I'd have a toon that rarely dies but would be unable to solo anything in decent speed.

    You asked if a necro lock would be better... well better for what? If you mean R10 end-game (TBA) then yes a necro lock would be far far better and a blaster-tanky 5x ender warlock would be garbage. What your build offers to a group is dps and a big amount of HP for a dps character and perhaps some CC from Nerve Venom. This is clearly a farm-lock to be parked at level 30 and speed run everything on R1 for gear. There are much better DPS or CC builds for R10 and your build is not viable for that difficulty.
    If now you mean R1 or EE farm then as I said yes by all means, it is propably still the easiest farmer build.

    My suggestion: if you have nothing to do with your LGS mats then roll a warlock, park him at lvl 30 and craft it. Otherwise save your mats, you never know.

  3. #3
    Community Member majorhavoc's Avatar
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    Mar 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by Phil7 View Post
    Yes it is possible to have 5 lgs items and 5 slavers, I know a lot of players on Cannith who run like that with their lvl 30 parked warlocks.
    Imo ender set is better on a shiradi spammer and I don't know if it procs on XYZ hit from eldritch blast because I don't have an Ender set myself and I'm not interested in crafting one. The current meta does not require one and on R10 it is useless apart from tanks, which I won't play because I'd have a toon that rarely dies but would be unable to solo anything in decent speed.

    You asked if a necro lock would be better... well better for what? If you mean R10 end-game (TBA) then yes a necro lock would be far far better and a blaster-tanky 5x ender warlock would be garbage. What your build offers to a group is dps and a big amount of HP for a dps character and perhaps some CC from Nerve Venom. This is clearly a farm-lock to be parked at level 30 and speed run everything on R1 for gear. There are much better DPS or CC builds for R10 and your build is not viable for that difficulty.
    If now you mean R1 or EE farm then as I said yes, by all means, it is probably still the easiest farmer build.

    My suggestion: if you have nothing to do with your LGS mats then roll a warlock, park him at lvl 30 and craft it. Otherwise, save your mats, you never know.
    Reality is I will park him at 30 & farm mostly LE / low Reaper with the odd raids on weekends and a weekly R10 Memoirs.
    I agree, LE & low Reaper should run in Shiradi, and high Reaper run in Exalted.

  4. #4
    Yamabushi leesun's Avatar
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    Oct 2014


    there's a handwrap monk on cannith that is a god. Ran with this person in reaper L slavers. he had 2k hp, 200+ unconscious range, hit like the fist of an angry god, and froze everything. said they had both slavers and lgs. point is you can have 5 slavers and 5 greensteel and I would imagine it looks amazing on any class
    Last edited by leesun; 09-20-2017 at 10:22 PM.

  5. #5
    Community Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by majorhavoc View Post
    I have a nearly maxed out Warlock (111 of 123 Max TRs)
    I have been working on an LGS Ender set for a very long time, am only 10-15 more runs to complete the set.

    My question for all of you is what is the best application of an ender set on a Warlock?
    Does Ender have a chance to proc on all 4 hits from chain blast from TS, will it proc on all targets in cone blast from SE, or all targets in aura from ES?
    Or would a Necro Loc build be better?
    Is there anything that effect the proc rate or effects the proc DCs?

    Any insight and or suggestions would be nice

    P.S. It looks like it may be possible to have both 5 peace ender set & 5 piece Slavers set & the same time.
    Some questions before I go down this road and invest a ton of time
    1. To get the ender set bonus and material bonus do I just need to build 5 different tier 1 material opposition on any 5 non weapon items or do I need T2 or T3? Does the weapon figure into the set bonus at all?
    2. Does it matter if you go Air-Fire-Water-Positive-Negative, since there is 6 do you need just 5 of the 6, does it matter which 5?
    3. Does a non material opposition gem on the weapon affect the outcome of the set bonus?
    4. What is the bonus to spell crits on the material set 5 and does the warlock cone trigger the ender set bonus?
    Last edited by SilvanDDO; 11-25-2017 at 12:13 PM.

  6. #6
    Hero JOTMON's Avatar
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    Oct 2008


    I Plan to dump LGS.
    Ravenloft gear and Sentient Weapon is going to trump pre-existing loot.
    Slavers is still viable and complimentary to the new stuff.
    Argo: Degenerate Matter - 200
    Jotmon (HC 34/45 , RC 42/42 , IC 12/21 , EC 51/51 , RP 116/158)
    Jotlock (HC 38/45 , RC 25/42 , IC 15/21 , EC 51/51 , RP 75/158)
    Whatthetruck (HC 38/45 , RC 42/42 , IC 15/21 , EC 51/51 , RP 111/158)

  7. #7
    Community Member mr420247's Avatar
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    Sep 2009


    I'm not sure if i can fit a slave lords item into a new set only thing really viable

    would be a radiance and or lore items since of course ravenloff does not have any

    but that would still take 2 item slots vs 1 and you can't quik swap them

    Lgs im curious for best options for end game reaper thinking freezing ice, aff, heal amp, maybe salt haven't tried but would like to
    Damonz Cannith

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