Theorycrafting here, please talk me out of here.

Vanguard 41 AP
Kensei 33 AP (t5)
Defender 6 AP (can be swapped into kensei)

Why do this at all? Shield utility (stunning shield, passive stun, shield rush) and defense against magic (good with no evasion, right?).

By going kensei t5 you retain most of the kensei's power, and gain a pseudo-SWF with the speed bonuses in VG guards. You lose the stat damage increase of SWF or THF, but you could retain the glancing if you choose to spend in an dwarxe or whatever.

I am following the holy thread by Grail and trying to figure out "for real" whether it is better than khopesh.

You lose the 20% HPs from defender, but you have more defense due to the shield, so it might "even out" a little.

Right now I am computing the DPS of the shield. It is a bit complicated since it cannot DBs, but I am going with a baseline of 1 bash per second.

So, would this be a competitive DPS character?