My DDO fan site,, has its third anniversary this week. I have run this aggregator site for DDO resources continuously since September 2014. DDOCentral now has 25.5K Twitter followers, 1.3K Facebook followers, and about 60,000 hits to the site itself. The 'About' page with a download link to the DDO client is the second most visited page on the site and the 'DDO Websites' resource page is the most visited.
The WordPress site is still going strong, but DDO blogosphere activity has been falling recently. I reblog three posts every day related to DDO, video games, D&D, or table top gaming but I need more DDO content. If someone has stopped blogging about DDO, please start again and try to blog at least once a month. If you haven't started a blog for DDO yet, please consider doing so and post a reply here so I can begin reblogging your content. DDO still has a an active community of bloggers, but even several more bloggers would make a significant difference in the viability of keeping updated daily.