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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default Character texture improvement

    Now i know that there are countless threads on improving the graphics, and i know that a complete overhaul would require a complete rewrite of the game.

    So, what i suggest is only improving character textures, which is quite possible to do judging from the hd environmental textures. A bit higher resolution textures and adding some normal and specular maps to a character would improve them immensely, especially the armor and clothing, dragonborn's scales, warforged's metal sheen etc.. Of course, i understand that drawing so many textures would take a while but it seems quite feasable and would improve how characters look quite a bit. Unless, the engine is limited in adding normals and speculars to characters and armor, in which case feel free to ignore my suggestion.

  2. #2
    FreeDeeOh PsychoBlonde's Avatar
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    Sev already mentioned that something like this is on the table. Not sure WHEN, but it's something they plan to work on.
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  3. #3
    Community Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by PsychoBlonde View Post
    Sev already mentioned that something like this is on the table. Not sure WHEN, but it's something they plan to work on.
    Thx, good to know

  4. #4
    Community Member
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    So it has been a while and i can see that there have been many improvements made to how the game looks especially in ravenloft the content im doing currently, i can see that normal maps have been added to the witches' skin, so my question is, player characters when? Also sorry for the necro but i didnt want to make a new thread when the thread already exists.

  5. #5
    Cosmetic Guru Aelonwy's Avatar
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    I'm taking a break so I'll keep this quick, this appears to be the first improvement to characters:

    Now it could be the only cosmetic change to character textures/appearances ever but it could be just the first of many. To be fair Half-elf needed it more than any other race except maybe PdK but I would argue its not so much PdK's textures as their body-model that needs a massive revamp or a surgeon for severe structural issues.
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  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aelonwy View Post
    I'm taking a break so I'll keep this quick, this appears to be the first improvement to characters:

    Now it could be the only cosmetic change to character textures/appearances ever but it could be just the first of many. To be fair Half-elf needed it more than any other race except maybe PdK but I would argue its not so much PdK's textures as their body-model that needs a massive revamp or a surgeon for severe structural issues.
    Hopefully its the first of many however my question was about normal maps. Hopefully they will add those too.

  7. #7
    Community Member SoVeryBelgian's Avatar
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    I greatly welcome any minor tweaks and updates to character models.

    Half-Elf definitely needed the most, but PDK is still right ugly. I'd also appreciate a more... skinny? I guess PDK model, not just the huge triangle man that is a human skin stretched over a Horc model.

    More WF Options would be nice as well.

  8. #8
    Community Member
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    I also want to point out that they added normal and specular maps to a multitude of pets, some enemy mobs and even mounts, i think its time they did the same to player characters as well. And it's not something that's hard to do either, there are what, 10 races? a few days or so spent making the normal and specular maps on a race and they will be done within the month. And it would greatly improve how the races look. Don't get why they don't do it for player characters that you stare at for the majority of your time.

    Also, although this has nothing to do with characters, but they should add a sharpening filter to the game, i just installed reshade and im using its sharpening filters and the game looks so much crisper.
    Last edited by Dark_Messiah; 08-05-2021 at 11:30 AM.

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