I wish you'd pay more careful attention to things before running with an idea about what I said and then this?
You missed an option thus that is incorrect.
You separated the first option into two options by your usage of the word OR... however, the first option is the combination of those two I underlined, look at OP!
Option one is HATE TRing and feel like we are forced. YES, people DO feel that way, thus I provided an outlet option for them to express and vote on.
You can't control the panel with your "biased" idea when you can't even accurately recognize what the poll was.
Now for that second option, that option you missed, and did not remind others of, but in missing them made a misinforming statement whilst advertising me as a biased poll maker!
It is: "No, everyone should have to TR, they just need to fix the bugs (if that ever happens)"
This is the option for those who do not HATE TRing, they can vote here to express their support for TRing, and obviously if there are bugs, as these forums are reporting (take a look), those bugs SHOULD be fixed.
I am providing an option for those who LIKE TRing. And do not wish to vote in a way as to express their frustration for something they like and support.
You obviously missed that, which is probably why you think the poll is biased, but IT IS NOT!
Now for that 3rd option, yes you are correct, it is for those who just don't know enough to make up their minds.
Its an easy poll, you can try to complicate it all you want, but trust me, your only complicating it for yourself