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  1. #1
    Community Member Graskitch's Avatar
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    Default ghallanda - heroic abbot raid (reaper difficulty) - Sunday late late night

    hi - if anyone is interested and flagged at heroic level, ascema will be hosting a REAPER heroic abbot raid tonight - late late sunday night (sometime around midnight or 1am est).

    since this is a heroic raid, the reaper restriction means that you would need to be in the level range of 15-19 to join.

  2. #2
    Community Member Graskitch's Avatar
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    we finally got a reasonable size party flagged to try out another reaper heroic abbot raid tonight - we tried 3 times and wiped each time, although the fails were more a factor of short-manning, rather than the reaper difficulty. Yes, the abbot was difficult to take down - he disintegrated a bunch of us numerous times. However, that initial beatdown with the abbot was just the party of 7 players against the abbot - there were no reapers spawning. With a semi-dedicated healer in party, it was possible to overcome the self-healing penalty - it was just very long abbot beatdowns to get the 3 portals to spawn.

    we just had problems having a limited # of people to assign to each puzzle room after deciding on the scouts. I was assigned as a scout, and was prepared for ice, tiles or asteroids. On the 3rd run, when I stepped into asteroids, I was actually not prepared - I had to scramble to find the boulders in my backpack to equip, and then after my asteroids partner was vanquished, I tried to 360° but eventually was overwhelmed.

    There was one odd thing that happened on the 2nd attempt of the ascension chamber: I was assigned as left scout, and found myself in the tiles puzzle room. After calling it out, the person assigned to tiles went in....... and found himself on the same side that I was ??? odd. there was nobody on the other side. I never had that happen before. we are guessing maybe the alternation mechanic is triggered each time someone goes through any of the 3 portals, rather than through the tiles portal? I do not know, it was strange. oobian strange.

    anyway, short story is: we are going to re-try reaper heroic abbot (restricted level range 15-19) on this thursday late night at 2am (really meaning friday 2am) if anyone is interested to join.
    if you have a heroic level character that you would like to flag for ascension chamber, send me a PM and I will help get you flagged.
    Last edited by Graskitch; 08-14-2017 at 06:50 AM.

  3. #3
    The Hatchery sirgog's Avatar
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    Good luck with it.

    Gave Reaper 1 (heroic) Shroud a red-hot go a couple weeks back, failed in part 4 with Harry around 35% when we first tried with 3 players (4 characters, someone was dualboxing), then failed again when we repeated the attempt with a few more people.

    Had an absolute blast. Highly recommend the experience.

    I expect Abbot will just be the usual mechanical difficulty of the raid, and the Reaper difficulty will make little difference. Everything will come down to getting the puzzles first try, and not screwing up Inferno too badly. Of course with the extra incoming damage of Reaper, these parts will be more unforgiving than usual.
    I don't have a zerging problem.

    I'm zerging. That's YOUR problem.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by sirgog View Post
    Good luck with it.

    Gave Reaper 1 (heroic) Shroud a red-hot go a couple weeks back, failed in part 4 with Harry around 35% when we first tried with 3 players (4 characters, someone was dualboxing), then failed again when we repeated the attempt with a few more people.

    Had an absolute blast. Highly recommend the experience.
    I joined an at-level Reaper 1 Shroud group about a month ago and had an absolute blast trying to complete it. I think we had a group of 8 or 9 and we were doing really well up until the first Harry fight. We lost like two or three people after we had gotten him down to 50%. Gnolls came out healed him up a bit, got him down to about 35%, lost another person. Gnolls start healing, lose another person, down to 25%. Then when it was me and two other people we, just didn't have the DPS to finish it.

    But I had a blast the entire time I was doing it. We only gave it that one shot, but we almost for sure could have gotten it with even one more player or just a little better coordination to not lose so many people in the first round of blades.

  5. #5
    Community Member Graskitch's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sirgog View Post
    Good luck with it.

    I expect Abbot will just be the usual mechanical difficulty of the raid, and the Reaper difficulty will make little difference. Everything will come down to getting the puzzles first try, and not screwing up Inferno too badly. Of course with the extra incoming damage of Reaper, these parts will be more unforgiving than usual.
    hi sirgog, yes, I agree with you - I feel like this should be more or less a standard ascension chamber run, just a matter of getting the puzzles down to go to the final beatdown. the one thing I am curious about is whether reapers continue to spawn out in the central chamber while the puzzles are being worked on? because I remember last time that we ran it a few months back, there were already 4 reapers when we came out of a completed puzzle room. It was the same when we wiped out these times around.

  6. #6
    Community Member Graskitch's Avatar
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    just wanted to remind everyone that we will be running a reaper abbot raid tonight (sunday) at around midnight 12am est, open to level range 14-19.

  7. #7
    Community Member Graskitch's Avatar
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    we are still trying to get groups together for heroic reaper ascension chamber runs, but so far have had no success. this past sunday midnight 12am est, we were able to get a full group of 12 players that were flagged for abbot.... but we just are not able to complete the raid. generally it seems that one puzzle room fails, and then having to endure another round with the abbot does not go well - going back to the central platform with a few players dead, and then enduring constant infernos and encasements... it does occur to us though that even if we completed all 3 puzzle rooms, we would need to beat down the abbot. but not having the ice wands (if the ice puzzle fails) or the boulders (if asteroids puzzle room fails) generally seems to defeat us.

    we tried to run two rounds without success, and then finally resorted switching to some epic alts to just get completion.

    +2 to +3 upgrade tome of listen
    breeze (mythic +2)
    litany of the dead

    we will be trying again this thursday late late night at 2am est.

  8. #8
    Community Member Graskitch's Avatar
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    we are still trying to form for reaper heroic abbot raid runs:

    Sundays 12am est midnight

    Thursdays late late night 2am est (which means really Friday early early morning 2am est) - we are going to treat the late Thursday night run as a heroic abbot training raid, showing people how to complete one puzzle room at least.

    this past Sunday, we did not assemble enough people (we had 5 in group waiting for about an hour), so we just ended up running a heroic abbot open to level range 15-30, and got the following drops:

    vile blasphemy
    litany of the dead
    seal of the black abbot

    so we will be forming for reaper abbot tonight if you are around.

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