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  1. #1
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    Default Static 4 Man Group - Shiradi Caster - Rogue Gimp - Help Needed

    Hi folks!

    Going to start a static group with 3 others...I have tried to tell them we do not need a thief, but they have decided I am to be the thief for this life cycle. The only reason we need a thief is for traps - silly people do you not know where the traps are yet? We are casual gamers who regularly do EH and occasionaly EE I suspect with the self imposed gimping of the following build I'll be quite fine as is, but welcome any additional suggestions.

    Our group will consist of the following:
    Drow Favoured Soul - Dual Shortsword wielding Warpriest - to flavor for my taste, but looking forward to the Domain pass coming up.
    Half-Orc Barbarian - Berserker/Ravager build variant
    Human - Warlock - Charisma Based Blast variant
    Warforged - Shirardi Caster - likely gimped 15 Wiz/3 Rouge/2 FS based on Slarden's Shiradi Wizard - Staff wielding

    I've substituted the 3 Rougue levels for the Paladin levels for the obvious Rogue trapping, but also for the core skill of Diplomacy to obtain audience with the queen giving the build a final endgame playability. I will be missing out on all the Bladeforged and Paladin survivability, but will gain Evasion is there anything else to be gained from the Rogue levels other then the Diplomacy? Really looking for input here to change or modify enhancements.

    Should I give up Concentration for Spot - I'll have Quicken plus the 3 mental toughness feats to offset the usage plus the Metamagic offset, Reconstruct healing will be at risk with scrolls while attempting to save spell points, but at least an after combat top off is plausible.

    I'll play around with Arcane Bolt and Blast, but I'm not certain how I will accept the Reflex save - there are too many archers/elves/thief types in the game, but willing to give it a try.

    Should I consider some Pale Master for additional servivability, but not a large enough investment to make it a PM build.

    This will likely be a work in progress - I feel very comfortable form level 1 through 11, but can't get to Arcane Blast until level 14 or 12th level in Wizard.

    Recommendations and thoughts are welcome - fire away!

    Sorry for the sloppy Skills section, but first time with the forums and the Lite builder?!

    Warforged Wiz/Theif
    15/3/2 Wizard/Rogue/Favored Soul
    True Neutral Warforged

    Level Order

    1. Rogue 6. Wizard 11. Wizard 16. Rogue
    2. Wizard 7. Wizard 12. Wizard 17. Favored Soul
    3. Wizard 8. Wizard 13. Wizard 18. Favored Soul
    4. Wizard 9. Rogue 14. Wizard 19. Wizard
    5. Wizard 10. Wizard 15. Wizard 20. Wizard

    32pt Tome Level Up
    ---- ---- --------
    Strength 8 +7 4: INT
    Dexterity 8 +7 8: INT
    Constitution 18 +7 12: INT
    Intelligence 18 +7 16: INT
    Wisdom 10 +7 20: INT
    Charisma 8 +7 24: INT
    28: INT

    R W W W W W W W R W W W W W W R F F W W
    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
    Repair 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 23
    Spellcr 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 23
    Disable 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 23
    Search 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 23
    Diplo 4 6 9 1 1 1 1 23
    Spot 4 1 1 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 22
    UMD 4 ½ ½ ½ ½ 1 7
    Jump 4 1 5
    Open Lo 4 4
    Balance 4 4
    Haggle 4 4
    Perform 1 1
    Bluff 1 1
    Tumble 1 1
    48 6 6 7 7 7 7 8 14 8 8 9 9 9 9 16 10 10 10 11


    1 : Mithral Body
    2 Wizard : Maximize Spell
    3 : Empower Spell
    6 : Extend Spell
    6 Wizard : Quicken Spell
    9 : Insightful Reflexes
    12 : Mental Toughness
    12 Wizard : Improved Mental Toughness
    15 : Spell Focus: Evocation
    17 Deity : Follower of: Aureon
    18 : Toughness
    20 Wizard : Enlarge Spell
    21 Epic : Wellspring of Power
    24 Epic : Master of: Knowledge
    26 Destiny: Epic Spell Power: Force
    27 Epic : Intensify Spell
    28 Destiny: Hellball
    29 Destiny: Arcane Pulse
    30 Epic : Epic Mental Toughness
    30 Legend : Scion of: Plane of Fire


    1. Repair Light Damage, Magic Missile, Detect Secret Doors, Nightshield, Jump
    2. Knock, Scorching Ray, Repair Moderate Damage, Web, Resist Energy
    3. Chain Missiles, Haste, Displacement, Fireball, Frost Lance
    4. Force Missiles, Ice Storm, Dimension Door, Wall of Fire, Stoneskin
    5. Eladar's Electric Surge, Niac's Biting Cold, Teleport, Break Enchantment, Dismissal
    6. Greater Heroism, Reconstruct, Disintegrate, Globe of Invulnerability
    7. Delayed Blast Fireball, Otto's Sphere of Dancing, Prismatic Spray
    8. Otto's Irresistible Dance, Polar Ray
    Favored Soul
    1. Remove Fear, Cure Light Wounds, Protection from Evil

    Enhancements (80 AP)

    Archmage (48 AP)
    • Magic Missile, Gust of Wind, Chain Missile, Fire Shield
    1. Energy of the Scholar III, Traditionalist Caster III, Spell Critical, Wand and Scroll Mastery III
    2. Efficient Maximize III, Efficient Quicken III, Spell Critical
    3. Arcane Bolt III, Spell Critical, Intelligence
    4. Spell Critical, Intelligence
    5. Arcane Blast III, Arcane Supremacy

    Angel of Vengeance (14 AP)
    • Font of Power
    1. Scourge III, Animus III, Smiting
    2. Just Reward III, Smiting

    Eldritch Knight (Wizard) (11 AP)
    • Eldritch Strike, Spellsword: Acid
    1. Improved Mage Armor III, Toughness III
    2. Improved Shield III

    Warforged (7 AP)
    • Improved Fortification
    1. Mechanist I, Inscribed Armor III
    2. Damage Reduction I

    Leveling Guide
    1. WF0 Improved Fortification; WF1 Inscribed Armor I, II, III
    2. AM0 Magic Missile; AM1 Spell Critical; AM1 Traditionalist Caster I
    3. AM1 Energy of the Scholar I; AM2 Spell Critical
    4. AM0 Gust of Wind; AM1 Traditionalist Caster II; AM3 Arcane Bolt I, II
    5. AM3 Arcane Bolt III; AM3 Spell Critical; AM1 Traditionalist Caster III
    6. AM1 Energy of the Scholar II; AM3 Intelligence
    7. AM0 Chain Missile; AM4 Intelligence; EKw0 Eldritch Strike
    8. EKw1 Improved Mage Armor I, II, III; EKw1 Toughness I
    9. EKw1 Toughness II, III; AM1 Energy of the Scholar III
    10. AM4 Spell Critical; EKw2 Improved Shield I, II
    11. EKw2 Improved Shield III; AM2 Efficient Maximize I; AM1 Wand and Scroll Mastery I
    12. AM2 Efficient Maximize II, III
    13. AM2 Efficient Quicken I, II
    14. AM5 Arcane Blast I, II, III; AM0 Fire Shield
    15. AM5 Arcane Supremacy; WF1 Mechanist I
    16. EKw0 Spellsword: Acid; WF2 Damage Reduction I; AM2 Efficient Quicken III
    17. AoV0 Font of Power; AoV1 Smiting; AoV1 Scourge I
    18. AoV1 Animus I; AoV2 Just Reward I; AoV2 Smiting
    19. AoV1 Scourge II, III; AoV1 Animus II; AoV2 Just Reward II
    20. AoV1 Animus III; AoV2 Just Reward III; AM1 Wand and Scroll Mastery II, III

  2. #2
    Community Member
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    Bumping - views but no comments...I'm really looking for some advice. Thanks again for your time in advance!

  3. #3
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    May 2013


    Upfront - I'm may be the last person that should make build comments. I normally use builds off the forums and then mess them up with "improvements". Building for a static group is sometimes different than building for solo or pugs. So....

    First question I would ask - is your group looking to run reaper levels? You did state EH and EE, but if considering reaper runs, then some things, such as healing, should be looked at differently. Also what is the group style, IE: teamwork, group of individuals with same goal. For my group it affects my build thinking because I am building for a role or job within the group as opposed to looking for total self-reliance.

    Why three rogue levels? Two will get you evasion. When I do run a wizard I usually use a modified version of EllisDees pale trapper (18wiz/2rog) and I have absolutely no issues handling the trapping. Although I do suppliment trapping skills with gear.

    In your opening statement, you indicate knowing where the traps are. If true blow off spot, you shouldn't need it and those points could be used for UMD or something else.

    Why Warforged? Not saying it's bad, I'm just not sure what it brings to the table. Is what you getting out of Warforged better than the extra feat of being human? Are you looking for selfhealing? Pots should be good at the lower levels. At higher levels you could use scrolls if umd high enough, or undead form if using PM tree. If running reaper or relying on a group healer, warforge may make things harder for whomever is handling the healing.

    Why Favored Soul levels? Like warforged, just not sure how it is helping, but it is costing you level 9 spells. Is the trade off worth it?

    I know I have touched on it a couple of times, but how is healing being handled within the group? For me, knowing that would affect how I build. If someone in the group has the task of keeping the group healed considering what they can do efficiently is helpful to the group. In that case, undead form or warforged may be counter productive. Also you only need to worry a spot heals to help out until the healer can get to you, in which case pots and scrolls should do the trick, but may make umd a more important skill. If self healing is the primary means then reverse that and warforged or PM become the better choice. Personally I prefer undead form, but its a trade off. Undead needs less spell spots for healing, but more enhancement points to do well.

    If none of that was helpful, then disregard.

  4. #4
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    Ed -

    I'll take that first statement under further advisement, but thanks for the response it gives me thoughts to ponder...

    The folks I play with are basically afraid of everything - anything they can't see will hurt them and the higher the difficulty level the less likely they are to be willing to play. Since they have been through the entire content of the game many times you would think they would be over it, but alas they are not. Having said that we will not attempt Reaper until at least we are through a few epic past lives and even then it will be baby steps beginning at R1 if I am able to get them there. LOL I am building for the role we have chosen - as I have been "designated" to be the rogue this life-cycle - I want to do it on my terms primarily as a caster with trapsmithing capabilities.

    Slarden's Shiradi Wizard offers a great way to do so. You are correct only 2 levels is necessary for Evasion, but in order to get to Audience with the Queen the 3rd Rogue level is needed as it provides the core skill of Diplomacy as I add 9 points to it at level 16 thus allowing me to reach 23 at level 20. The 2 levels of Favored Soul provide the Diplomacy core skill as well, but more importantly provides an avenue of "potentially" endless spell points from Just Reward with which to fire SLA Missiles. Based on Slarden's success I'm going to have to say yes it is worth the trade off, but like your tinkering with builds I am likely gimping the build as I lose all of the Bladeforged and Paladin survivability by choosing Warforged and Rogue - this likely won't have any impact in Epic Normal or Hard difficulties, but in Epic Elite the loss of the survivability may become an issue?

    You hit upon my question of Spot vs. Concentration - We know where the traps are, but as these are fearful players will they be accepting of a situation where I don't remember and cause a party wipe? Past history indicates they want to live and suffer no death penalties to experience as well as providing an easy notification a trap is present. With the loss of the Concentration skill I'll be more dependent on Quickened spell casting to Repair in combat. I will have scroll healing as a fallback, but much more likely to be disrupted without Concentration.

    The group is totally dedicated to cooperation - one of the benefits of the coordination is the group buffs to the nth degree - old PnP default I suppose?. We are figuring the FS (Spell Pool) and WLK (UMD - Scroll Healing) will be able to keep the group going the Barb is looking to healing herself once she reaches Tier 5 Ravager, but knows that won't last forever. I too will be self sufficient as a Warforged will provide me with the Repair/Reconstruct spell line.

    Thanks again for the feedback it truly helps!
    Last edited by SlyGO12; 08-01-2017 at 04:20 PM.

  5. #5
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    Regarding the no deaths stance, while obviously always the desired case, just wanted to make sure you were aware they made the change a few updates back that deaths in a group only affect your xp gain if you, yourself, were the one that died. Others death no longer take away from your xp gain if you do not die.

  6. #6
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    Yes to the death changes...I've indicated if they provide a wide berth they may simply pick up my stone and drop it in a vat of lava or take me along until they find a shrine!

  7. #7
    Bounty Hunter slarden's Avatar
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    Apr 2011


    Shiradi is straight up dps. Have you considered a dc wizard with some cc, instakills, charms and trapping? cc is the best defense this game has to offer and it works for the whole party. Your Achilles heal will be limited dps compared to other builds due to spell points but in a static group that won't matter as much. There are many 18 wizard 2 rogue builds that will work great for you. Only spell penetration will be an issue for you on elite but with good gearing it will be effective on elite even with high spell resistance mobs.

    i like illusion for folks without past life's because you can get an extra 3 dc from racial and an extra 3 dc from a tier 1 draconic twist.
    DC Warlock Reaper Build (U48)
    Max DC Illusionist Reaper Build (U48)

  8. #8
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    Hey Slarden thanks for responding on this...

    With the static party we have going it may be the right answer as the other 3 folks will be primarily DPS.

    I will make the final decision by 14th level as that would be the second and last Rogue level with the 18/2 variant. Resetting the enhancements is easy and would allow for the conversion to dedicated CC fairly simply.

    Any thoughts on the Concentration vs. Spot skill if I pursue this path? Knowing spot is basically an easy button to remember where those traps are in case I forget, or go the Concentration route and know scroll healing will be good even in combat?

    What if any experience have you had with the Arcane Blast? Is it worth it or experiment and see?

    Thanks again!

  9. #9
    Bounty Hunter slarden's Avatar
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    Apr 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by SlyGO12 View Post
    Hey Slarden thanks for responding on this...

    With the static party we have going it may be the right answer as the other 3 folks will be primarily DPS.

    I will make the final decision by 14th level as that would be the second and last Rogue level with the 18/2 variant. Resetting the enhancements is easy and would allow for the conversion to dedicated CC fairly simply.

    Any thoughts on the Concentration vs. Spot skill if I pursue this path? Knowing spot is basically an easy button to remember where those traps are in case I forget, or go the Concentration route and know scroll healing will be good even in combat?

    What if any experience have you had with the Arcane Blast? Is it worth it or experiment and see?

    Thanks again!
    If you go the dc casting route you can max max spot and concentration in place of diplomacy. Otherwise I would max concentration since it only costs 1 point vs. 2 and you can still partially fill in spot. I usually include spot and insightful spot on my gear for trappers and even with a lowish score I almost always get a spot check notice.

    Arcane blast is cheap aoe it's worth taking for sure. Also it powers up master of knowledge for epic levels and you get one proc for every enemy hit so it's the most effective way to max your master of knowledge stacks. As a DC caster its not critical, but I would take it for boss fights anyhow.

    Good luck with the build and life!
    DC Warlock Reaper Build (U48)
    Max DC Illusionist Reaper Build (U48)

  10. #10
    Community Member Morroiel's Avatar
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    Honestly if you have your heart set on eh and selecting only easy EEs - you might give sam's color queen shiradi dc caster variant. Note that this build really shines with gear/pls but that's really only needed for high skull reaper imo. You'd have to give up trapping though, which might be a non-starter for you. If you have your heart set on trapping, I'd highly recommend 1 rogue/18 wizard/1 rogue, taking the second level as late as you can - going dc route in DI for extra damage/fun, swapping to magister only when you really need the spell pen boost.

    Here's the link for reference:
    Quote Originally Posted by Vargouille View Post
    A new harder difficulty is likely to just be that: harder, without giving commensurate power...Ideally, at the very hardest edge of difficulty, we would not know how long it would take until all quests are completed on that difficulty.

  11. #11
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    Default Static 4 Man Group - Shiradi Caster - Rogue Gimp - Help Needed

    Thanks for the feedback once more...

    We have completed our ,Epic and Racial, Reincarnations and have begun our adventures on Korthos...first session pushed us through level 1 and level 2 we paused prior to entering Misery's peak.

    First level was primarily piking through as the others slaughtered the way through Kothos village. Guess what they were telling me where the traps were...did I really have to play a rogue?...we shall see. 2nd level had me playing the CC role with Hyponsis slowing the masses to be chopped down in no time....more to follow.

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