I am a long time but very casual player working vaguely towards completionist. I fancied trying a mechanic build, but already have a rogue life (which was TA and fun). So I have gone for ranger with a deep rogue splash, drow with harper tree, great crossbow. This is the first time I have run a ranged build on my main toon.
So far at L9 (5ranger, 4rogue) and the combo works really well. Free precise and rapid shot from ranger. Sneak attack in ranger trees as well. Undead as favoured enemy. Ranger mix gives a few more HP than pure rogue. Int based build means traps are a breeze, and spot and search both being class skills for ranger means more than enough skill points to go round.
In theory, there is also nice sync for sneaking, again with hide and move silently ranger (as well as rogue) skills, plus relevant ranger spells. However, I am a novice sneaker, and mainly PUG, so not using much in practice.
One unexpected hassle has been crossbow bolt supplies. I'd expected to fill up and equip a quiver and be sorted, but ended up with multiple quivers and still sometimes forget to stock up enough when on a pug zipping through quests. Looking forward to fletching to reduce the rate of burn through stocks.
One unexpected benefit is that ranger gives TWF line free, and with Harper Int to damage, I can fall back on melee in a pinch (like if I run out of ammo, say...). Probably once I get to Rogue 6 I will use the Int to damage for crossbows only in mechanic, and regain some AP from Harper, as the melee fallback will get less viable in higher levels anyway.
DPS is good - really strong from around level 4 when get int bonus to damage (as well as KTA). Falling off a little now, mainly I think because crossbow is nothing special. Can't wait to try out my divine artillery from the bank when hit L13. Survivability is fine, as long as I don't wade into a big mob group.
Main dilemma at this point is whether to also splash a couple of artificer levels. Rune arm imbue would tweak up the DPS, and fits well with int build. However, I think probably improved precise shot from ranger 11 and improved uncanny dodge from rogue 8 are tempting me more.