So you never played a Great Terror, or Primal Terror did you? I guess that's because you are so married to your shuriken builds, maybe you were afraid it would be better and just couldn't risk it. Whatever the case here is what you missed about an actual Great Terror build by not playing it, and why it had to be fixed.
Reasons it was broken:
~Vorpal effect on a 19 & 20 (how did you miss that?)
~only 1 save against PK
~GxB firing at PK's maximum rate during endless fusilade
~The broken 18 Sneak attack dice that could be bumped up to 24 dice effect every time you stepped into a quest
~The 9.50[2d8]+16+12 magic damage profile
~The broken way you could use manyshot timing to short-cut the Endless fusilade animation and start firing right away. (huge)
~Using the PK and Terror effects to proc strength of spirit on the Primal variant.
~The runearm shot-rates being amplified by the EF, reloader, fletching effects
~The runearm damage being amplified by being twinned with dispel/shatter/lacerater shots
~The boost recharging with imbued thunderforged GxB (obnoxious)
And those are just the really broken stuff, the damage profile on bosses was insane as well and dwarfed anything I could do with a thrower or other ranged build. The way dispelling and shattermantle added even more 3[W] constantly was sick. I never did as much damage as I did with that build. In 8 years of playing, and 5 years playing builds I'd never swamped the kill counts or mopped up the boss like those builds did. It was hysterical at first, my buddies and I couldn't believe how easy it was, but it got boring really quick and even started to marginalize teammates, and leave then standing around and such. It was so broken and so pre-meditated, granted it was 'technically' a legal build because it was using mistakes and oversights of the devs but a couple weeks playing it, especially in Reaper made it clear to anyone that it was OP and a unintentional result of the developers. In a way I'm glad the Great terror build was made and so widely posted because that finally got the attention of the developers and Sev. Up until then most of the builds abusing the AA were fudging in a way that was cheesy but not game breaking the way the great terror was. I've played chuckers and chucker builds (including some of yours) for years, and they were fun and a change of pace if a little cheesy but never so bad that you could see that the spirit of the game was being bent backwards. But the great terror bent and then broke the spirit of the game, it used combination of tons of past lives, EDs, and a toxic mix of enhancements to absolutely super-charge those AA tree mistakes and oversights in a way that it hadn't before and the result was so bad that Sev had to step in and fix it. Bravo!
~on a personal note I don't know why you are trying to play down the impact of the great terror after the fact, are you actually trying to massage your builder ego over a build that is gone? Revisionist much?