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  1. #61
    Community Member Fedora1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chai View Post
    Yes, some things never change. I have not been doing what you accuse me of each thread you attempt to stalk and deride me in for over 4+ years now, but perhaps I should have.
    Haha! Don't flatter yourself silly goose, I never have and never will "stalk" you on the forums. I usually avoid any discussion you are in simply because I know that if I disagree with you, stuff like this happens. Stalk you? I usually avoid posters such as yourself like I avoid the plague.

    How am I supposed to know that my simple post about L6 wondrous items being on a par with TOEE L7 weapons and not OP would have you playing all your trump cards (P2W, etc).

    Quote Originally Posted by Chai View Post
    It may have resulted in the idea being conveyed that when you quote a poster you need to address what is quoted, instead of attacking the poster.
    Don't be a hypocrite, stop attacking others with false accusations (veiled or otherwise) and you won't get like responses. Learn to play nice with others and stuff like this won't happen.

    If it was always JUST you and I arguing, perhaps you'd have a point. However I can go open just about any thread you participate in and see the same discourse back and forth between you and many others. The common denominator is not "me"...

    Quote Originally Posted by Chai View Post
    BTW, youve been incorrect in each of these accusations over the years. In the neg rep days no one could spam neg rep at the rate you claimed.
    Oh really? What was my claim? Was it 100 per day, 10 per day, every post? Nope, just the posts that you didn't like me calling you out on a lie, deception, or false information. And aside from the one quote you posted, how many times have I "accused" you of neg rep? You state "accusations over the years", well you must be thinking of someone else, I am sure there are plenty.

    Quote Originally Posted by Chai View Post
    Its simple really. Refrain from making personal attacks, and theres nothing to report. Then the sock accounts become unnecessary.
    Simple is as simple does, again, don't be a hypocrite about it. You just accused me (again) of using a sock account. I don't, and never have, EVER. The reality is that there just must be tons of people who disagree with you and the attitude you have here on the forums.

  2. #62
    Community Member Chai's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fedora1 View Post
    Simple is as simple does, again, don't be a hypocrite about it. You just accused me (again) of using a sock account. I don't, and never have, EVER. The reality is that there just must be tons of people who disagree with you and the attitude you have here on the forums.
    And they can follow the forum guidelines, and address what is posted instead of attacking the poster. When they do so, sock accounts become unnecessary.

    Quote Originally Posted by Fedora1 View Post
    Oh really? What was my claim? Was it 100 per day, 10 per day, every post?
    Quote Originally Posted by Fedora View Post
    Funny how every time Chai replies to one of my posts, I get neg rep. Wonder who it could be? Gotta love the babies who can't stand for someone to disagree with them.
    The claim was "every time" which was not possible then, and is not possible now. You quoted this very post btw, which explained this very clearly, then asked what the claim was. This shows the lack of willingness to address the post, rather than attacking the poster. None of this stuff should need to be repeated over and over again, or chronically last worded to death.

    In fact I have already tested you twice here. You are 0 for 2. Some of the posts you quoted and labeled as "nonsense" were copy pastes of your own past posts, just with my forum handle on them. This shows willfully ignoring the content of the post (which you should have agreed with, since it was your post) to attack the poster is the agenda here. Since it hasnt stopped its time to finally call attention to it in hopes the mods will put an end to it (again) as their solution didnt work the first time.

    Quote Originally Posted by Fedora1 View Post
    Haha! Don't flatter yourself silly goose, I never have and never will "stalk" you on the forums. I usually avoid any discussion you are in simply because I know that if I disagree with you, stuff like this happens. Stalk you? I usually avoid posters such as yourself like I avoid the plague.
    I have numerous citations which show otherwise, over quite a bit of time to show the pattern based behavior here. Disagreeing with someone who has an unpopular opinion is one thing, but this has gone far beyond that.
    Last edited by Chai; 07-22-2017 at 02:03 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Teh_Troll View Post
    We are no more d000m'd then we were a week ago. Note - This was posted in 10/2013 (when concurrency was ~4x what it is today)

  3. #63
    Community Member Fedora1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chai View Post
    I have numerous citations which show otherwise, over quite a bit of time to show the pattern based behavior here. Disagreeing with someone who has an unpopular opinion is one thing, but this has gone far beyond that.
    I suppose that accusing me multiple times over of using/having sock accounts is not something you will mention to the moderators? You are an instigator and you know it. I am sorry that I am the one to call you out on it. Grow some skin and stop being afraid of losing an argument, or of having someone disagree with your opinion. It won't hurt, I promise.

  4. #64
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    We have gotten far off the point. The as they existed before were broken and OP. However, at ML14 they are trash items that likely, haven't checked yet, cannot even be used for essences.

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